Monday, March 2, 2020

Sometimes You Make Plans and Then Change Them

      Saturday I had a bunch of plans. I was going to put more colors in my hair and see about finishing up the cowboy I was working on. Probably while the colors sat in my hair. You can do that when it's colored conditioner. I also was going to stop by a model horse swap meet and maybe go somewhere with my niece. I had a lot of plans for Saturday. The cowboy did actually get finished. 
       I did manage to get new color in my hair. I thought it would be vaguely interesting for people to see that I do in fact do it myself. It is not easy or glamorous, but I do it myself. This particular photo was of me working on a section from the back. When I have all my colors, and do a super careful(ish) job of applying them, I will separate my hair into 16 sections. Saturday I just did 6. I basically just smoosh the colors on, in the order I want, blending a bit for the transitions. The foil is just so I don't end up with colors all over me. Then it sits and I go about whatever I am doing for awhile. 
      My niece decided she was going to stay home and I decided I didn't really feel like going to the swap meet. I wasn't ready to go early enough so I knew some people had already left and I saw some photos and it was mostly OF horses. Not being an OF collector it was not a huge draw. So I just stayed home. Travis and I had coffee together and basically the laziest day ever. Which was good. 
      Saturday evening I stayed on the computer for hours and stayed up a couple of hours late to help people with any last minute NaMoPaiMo issues. We at least managed to solve a few issues. I saw photos of what was happening at Breyerwest, Fabian got a horse blanket for me that I wanted, it was an interesting night. Very tiring, but interesting. And it reminds me again that NaMoPaiMo is a huge event and a lot of work. There are a bunch of us that help Jennifer, but most of it falls on her. I worked steadily on issues for a few hours, Jennifer does this for weeks. I think Jennifer deserves a prize, some chocolate and a really long nap. 

1 comment:

  1. Thank you ever so much for the stepping-up you did those last few days of NaMo. That was awesome to see. I totally agree with your conclusions!
