Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Sunday Funday

      Sunday morning I was going to make a quick trip to Walmart. I needed a few things to make some bacon cheeseburger "mac" and cheese and I needed a few other things. I could not get gloves (I use them for cleaning) because they are sold out. I could not find my preferred bathroom cleaner because it was also sold out. So was hand sanitizer and a variety of other things. There was a lot of tension in the store as well. I am just going to take the normal precautions I always take; wash my hands often, sneeze into my elbow, try not to touch public door handles and stair railings because I KNOW people don't wash their hands. I feel like living in a panic is going to cause a lot of ulcers. I wonder when these out of stock items will be back. 
     I was in line at Walmart for an excessively long time and then had to go to Big Y anyway because Walmart had no cauliflower, fresh or frozen. Big Y still had it (boy is cauliflower expensive!) and I made a very large bacon cheeseburger mac and cheese. And it was yummy. There was just enough leftover to make a lunch for Travis and myself for school. I need to make this stuff more often. 
       Sunday was also game day and Gabby and Elecktra came over. We played Sorry and Monopoly. Elecktra's game is missing most of the tokens so I grabbed a couple of micro minis to stand in. You use what you can after all. 
     I don't know when the next game day is but we'll be seeing both Gabby and Elecktra on Friday. Travis is going to be in a variety show at his school. I am looking forward to that!


  1. I've always used the Lying Down Stablemate Foal as my Monopoly gamepiece. You can't tip him over.

  2. I don't have any that are lying down or that would be a great option! Several times our horses tipped over during the game.
