Tuesday, March 31, 2020

The Best Quarantine Birthday Ever

     I don't know if it's the state of the world at the moment or being 41, but this year I didn't care nearly as much about my birthday as I usually do. It just didn't seem super important to me in the grand scheme of things. But still, I was happy to get some gifts from Ethan and Travis, including this beautiful blown glass dip pen. It came with some glitter-shift ink, it was pretty fun. I think I need a pen stand and a place to display it. It's an art piece!
     Being that is was my birthday I wanted cake. So I pulled out my Sweet Treats cookbook from The Hungry Elephant and made a birthday cake. Literally, that is what the recipe is called, birthday cake. I am pretty sure it is on The Hungry Elephant website. 
     And it is a pretty cake! The "sprinkles" are colored coconut flakes. You dye them in individual bowls and when they are dry, mix them together. And they look cool. I also watched a movie, which was super funny, and had a bit of a lazy day. It was awesome.
       Ethan made me a fancy dinner and we made jokes about eating at Casa de' Kitchen. The chef is really good there, plus there was wine. I love when Ethan cooks, he is a really excellent cook, and this meal was amazing!
      The cake was yummy and also came out looking like an advertisement I think. I don't usually have the proper thickness of frosting in the middle of the cake, but it worked out this time. And the "sprinkles" mixed into the cake for confetti is a fun look as well. 
      In general I have had simple wants for my birthday; I want people to remember it's my birthday and be nice to me. As soon as I got up, even before coffee, Ethan was wishing me a happy birthday. I got tons of Facebook birthday wishes, text messages and a couple of video chats as well. I didn't do any work (I did wash a few dishes, but no doll or school work) and I watched a movie and actually looked at the screen! And I didn't have to cook dinner. It was an excellent birthday.

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday to You! Happy Birthday to You! Happy Birthday! Happy birthday! Happy Birthday to you! (and MANNNY MOOORRREEE!)

    Lady! *DON'T* eat all that cake! SAVE it until the restrictions are lifted and then you and Ethan can bring it to ME and I'LL *eat* it for you! That dinner looks *delicious*!! That glass ink pen is *beautiful* as well!!

    Sounds like you had a *wonderful* time! Continue to be well and safe!
