Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Miniature Food Tour

      The other day I posted about my very happy windowsill and mentioned my miniature food cabinet. I said I would put together a photo tour of my food collection. This also gave me a good excuse to clean the cabinet. It can get sort of grungy and gross. 
      This burger and fries was the first artist made miniature food item in my collection. I never had any intention of using it for horse showing, it's the wrong scale for one thing, but I absolutely love it! It is just so realistic and I had to have it. This was the first but it was not the last. 
           I could go through my etsy purchases and figure out what order I bought everything in, but I am not going to. I'm not even going to say a whole lot about anything, just let you enjoy the amazing miniature food. Some of it has not aged particularly well, and that could be the conditions they have been kept in. I hope you enjoy the tour of my miniature food art!
made by SugarCharmShop on etsy

made by amanspeak on etsy

made by EverydayGourmet on etsy

made by me

made by DinkyDinerMinis

Made by TheMiniatureGourmet on etsy

made by EverydayGourmet on etsy

made by EverydayGourmet on etsy

made by SugarCharmShop on etsy

made by me

made by EverydyGourmet on etsy

made by amanspeak on etsy

made by me

made by me

made by amanspeak on etsy

made by SugarCharmShop on etsy

made by me

made by me

made by me

made by amanspeak on etsy

wine is from HBSminiatures.com

made by SugarCharmShop on etsy

made by EverydayGourmet on etsy

made by SugarCharmShop on etsy

made by amanspeak on etsy

made by amanspeak on etsy

made by me

purchased at HBSminiatures.com

Made by EverydayGourmet on etsy (the foam on top has gone funny over the years)
          This is a miniature replica of my wedding cake. I had it custom made and it is incredibly well done! All of my miniature food is several years old and I don't even know if any of the artists are still producing miniatures, or selling on etsy. But I do know that if they are not I was lucky to get these amazing pieces while the artists were creating. 
made by victoriaroseboutique on etsy


  1. Okay, so now I am hungry and wishing I could do a donut run! Haha! And the display unit you have is beautiful. Can you tell us more about it?

  2. I got that display cabinet from ebay. But I don't remember exactly when or the seller or anything. But I likely looked it up as bakerie display cabinet.

  3. Wow, I feel like I went to a museum of miniatures. Incredible work! "Amanspeak" I am interpreting as "a man's peak," of prowess, for instance... I think miniatures are the world's number one hobby?; stamps are second.

  4. I'm jealous of your SugarCharmShop pieces! I love her.

    Also, pretty sure that's a Re-ment display case. I have one, too, but so far I have only put micro minis in it.
