Thursday, April 23, 2020

This is the End

      It's official. We won't be going to back to school this year. I got a text from Travis's para (she gets updates on MassLive) and then as I was texting her I got a call from my superintendent. Hours later I got a call from the East Longmeadow superintendent. I am not at all surprised by this decision. Massachusetts has a lot of cases of COVID-19, school are gross, it all makes sense to keep the schools closed to get a handle on the health crisis. It doesn't make it any easier. I have all seniors this year. Some of them I have had since they (and I) started at LHS 4 years ago. While my principal said that we will find a way to have a graduation eventually, who knows when that might actually happen. Some of those kids I will likely never see again. It doesn't matter that we live in the same town. I will also miss my school friends. Sure, some of them I talk to outside of school and we hang out (and video chat and so on) but it's not the same. I agree with the decision but I am a little sad as well. And really, I have mixed feelings about it. I do miss school (sometimes) and I miss the kids (usually) but in some ways I am fine with this. I don't have to get up at 4:45, and that is nice. If one of my students is pissing me off, I end school as quickly as possible (I have a really great student, but sometimes he is not into things and will be a pain), but at LHS if the students are pissing me off all I can do is complain to a friend. I definitely have mixed feelings about this. 
      So on the same day that I was finding out that school is closed for the year I was getting a lot of work done. I finished up this pair of dolls for my Breyerfest sale. I got up a lot earlier than usual and I didn't take a nap, or even many breaks. I have days like that. 
      I think I have my plan for my Breyerfest sale roughly planned out. I have my doll plan, I have at least part of an idea of what I want to make and I have settled on the date. I don't want to have it on Breyerfest weekend, and the Saturday before is July 4th (and we might be allowed to make plans outside of our homes by then) so I figured that Sunday, July 5th, would be a good day for it. I have 10 and a half weeks to get as much done as I can and get all of the plans in place. I think I can make this work.

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