Friday, April 10, 2020

Wednesday Out in the World

      Ethan sends me these alien cartoons often. They are always funny and it makes me happy to get them. This one caused us to call him a beacon of joy for an entire day. It also reminded me that sometimes we are in a bad mood and we don't really know why. I know that happens to me. With everyone home these days I imagine there might be days with random bad moods.  They happen. Remember, the people you live with are beacons of joy, lol. 
       Wednesday I had to go to Walmart. We were to the very low on food phase of things and it was time. I made an exhaustive list of things we needed, grocery and household, and I headed to the store. Since the CDC has recommended that people wear masks while out in public, I brought one of mine. Things I learned from shopping in a mask; It is very awkward for a bit because you feel silly (at least, I did). You may admire other people's cool masks (since A LOT of people are following the guidelines) and that part is fun. A lot of people are wasting their surgical masks since they clearly don't know how to wear them (putting them over your face and under your nose is not right). Masks are hard to breathe in. Mine are made from 2 layers of cotton with 2 layers of fusible interfacing. I had to shop very slowly because it really is hard to breathe. Another sort of fun thing I learned was you can absolutely convince the cashier to card you for your wine by just looking at your eyes. We live in weird times. She just needed my birthdate for the register anyway (she actually did not need any convincing at all. She did not expect me to take my mask off). It was kind of a weird shopping experience. Other than all of the signs up to remind people of social distancing, tape lines on the floor to show people how far to stand from each other at the registers, masks on at least half the people, there are still shortages of a lot of things. There is still no toilet paper, though I did manage to order some and it will arrive eventually. There are still no disinfecting wipes. Which is OK since I don't use them for much, just mostly in the car. And I don't go out much. We are low on 91% isopropyl alcohol, and that is nowhere to be found. And we do use that. I'll keep searching for it online. I eventually found toilet paper, I imagine I can find alcohol too. Eventually. There was also slim pickings for meat today. I managed to get enough to last us a bit, but not a huge variety. But I can stay home for awhile, that's good.
     Wednesdays have become life skills day and Travis and I always bake something. This time we make a low carb cinnamon roll cake. It was awesome. Not too tricky to make and it was delicious! For anyone interested, here is the recipe. I used heavy whipping cream instead of almond milk, because we don't have almond milk. And I actually used a mix of allspice and nutmeg instead of cinnamon since I was out of that and I had no idea. It turned out well though. And I ordered some cinnamon. 
     While I was out I got some more packages shipped. Some masks are heading out and almost the very last of the live sale packages. The ordered dolls are finished up and I am just waiting on one more for time payments. Things for my second sale turned out extremely well and I am very pleased with how efficient it all was. The paper bags were an excellent idea. having everyone send me their email address, making a list of names with those email addresses, doing invoices for everyone and packing all the things right after I invoiced were all excellent ideas. Instead of taking days to complete everything, I had everything done on the same day. Other than doing the actual shipping labels. That took a couple of hours Monday morning. Still, it was all pretty efficient and I don't think I will change much for the next one. 


  1. Walmart may have the alcohol & hand sanitizer but you have to go to the package pickup and ask for it.

  2. Great post! I like your mask. So many pities we couldn't get together, as I have a lot of cinnamon (several years old but still good).
