Tuesday, May 26, 2020

A Rainbow of Bags

     There are a lot of accessories I work on where I like to do the work in batches. Cross country kits, saddle pads, boots, and saddlebags for sure. I have made a color wheel or rainbow with the variety of cross country vests I have made. I love how they look all laid out together. Now I am having some fun with the saddlebags. The cut out sets look pretty good as a rainbow (even though the rainbow is out of order...)
     I still have not finished the sets of bags from last week, Sunday I just jumped into some new sets. We still have a bunch of home repairs to do so I am a bit worried about keeping to my schedule. I should have finished the bags from last week but instead I cut out 8 new sets (so, this week and next week's bags). I got 4 of the sets ironed and glued and then decided that was enough. We had worked a lot on the house. And I pretty much felt like we had done a lot of work on the house. Anyway, I have not finished the first 4 bags but I have made it to the partially bag shaped stage on the second 4 bags and cut out the pieces for the 3rd group of bags. Because I sometimes make no sense at all I am working on week 1, 2 and 3 all at the same time (during week two of the plan, in case you are curious). I have more work on all of these obviously, but it feels like some progress. I am sort of thinking the next thing I will do on all these bags is cut out, and glue in, all the linings for the second set of bags that is starting to be bag shaped. Then they WILL be bag shaped! After that I might move in to ironing the 3rd set of bags and gluing them. I have not fully decided on anything yet. I try to do the different things when I feel like it so I don't get all twitchy and frustrated about doing the work. 
      So doll work continues. House work continues. Homeschool continues. And distance learning continues. I'm in a pretty good routine these days, even though I am sort of all over the place with things. I feel like I am on schedule or ahead of schedule at times. I don't think I am behind just yet but I am always afraid I will get to that point. And really, I don't NEED to have 30 dolls for my live sale, that is just my goal. I don't NEED to have 16 sets of saddlebags, but I only make them a few times a year and I know people like them, so I want to get them done. Maybe if I continue to stay on schedule, or even find I actually am ahead of schedule, I might start to take more time off. Not that I have any idea what to do. Everything is still mostly closed and I don't know what I want to do. I need more books. 

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