Wednesday, May 6, 2020

It’s the Little Things

        Little things make me happy. Literally. I love miniatures! I got a couple more Breyer dogs in that I bought recently. I should dig out all of the dogs I own and get some photos. I also got my Jack Skellington keychain that was a gift from Linda Perry-Horst. She contacted the Amazon seller and fixed the mix-up. I had one of these keychains years ago and somewhere, Jack got lost. I have wanted a new one ever since. I think now he can join Maleficent and my pig multi-tool on my car key. Or maybe he can just hang out in the car. I have the 10th Doctor and the TARDIS (also used to be Funco keychains) glued to the dashboard. Maybe Jack can join them. 
      In other small things that came in the mail the other day, I got the latest micro from Maggie Bennett's monthly subscription. I don't think I am in love. He's cute, but I don't think I need him. I am not totally decided just yet. 
     I finished up the Little Greg doll. His hat is custom painted, with a logo added, to look like the real hat he wears all the time. I also put his glass around his neck. Now he's ready for anything. 
      I finished up the teeny tiny hunt seat doll. She looks like a bobble head. But in reality, teeny tiny hunt seat riders do end up looking like bobble heads. She is going to be perfect on her pony! I can't wait to see photos of that. 
     I couldn't resist taking a nice family photo. I should have made sure that they were looking at the camera. I am usually better at this sort of thing. 
      I had a good mail day and I had a good dolling day. I really love when I get things done. And getting mail, other than bills is almost always a good time. Let's see if I can keep up the momentum of productivity!

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