Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Odds and Ends

     Usually I have my posts written ahead of time, at least the night before, and scheduled to post at 2:30 am. That didn't happen this time. I took some photos yesterday, set up the post, but didn't actually write it. Oops. I could promise you an interesting post for having to wait a bit longer (if you are one of the few people that sees my blog before I post the link to Facebook) but that would be a lie. This is likely to be a rambly post about the random things I managed to do yesterday.
     I started off working on pinnies again. I finally have printer ink so I got some more numbers printed out. I had forgotten just how long a process making pinnies is. I did a bunch but I still have a bunch to go.
     I needed to cut out some doll clothes but I decided first I really needed a sorting day. I go through phases where I will just stuff supplies into the different drawers until I can't easily close the drawers anymore and I am not quite sure what I have. It was definitely time for some sorting. A week or so ago I went on a youth doll buying spree on ebay, because I thought I was low on them. It turns out that I have LOTS of youth dolls. Some were in a bag together (I try to keep like dolls together in gallon zipper bags so I know how many of each type I have) and many others were just randomly shoved in the drawer. So it turns out I have a gallon zipper bag fairly full of youth dolls. I think I need to stop buying them for a bit. 
     I got some pieces cut out for several doll outfits and these 4 sets of saddlebags. I didn't sew anything, or put any bags together, but I got these parts done. There are days when all you can get done is some pieces of projects. 
     In my sorting of the doll drawer I decided to pull out the outfits I found, get some photos and list them for sale. I usually throw out Breyer doll clothes. I have no use for them and after awhile they take up a lot of space. So I put together outfits and listed them for $1-$3, pretty much to cover the packaging and paypal fees, with maybe a few pennies left over. But the photos, listing and communication back and forth with people took a bunch of time. 
     I didn't get tons done yesterday, but I did get a bunch worked on. Ethan and I have some pretty important home repairs to get to this week so I am not even sure if I will have much time to talk about dolls. I guess we will find out together. 

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