Monday, June 1, 2020

Ahead of Schedule

      I found out that there is a way to switch back to the older blogger from the new blogger. And even when the new blogger becomes a thing in late June apparently I will still be able to keep the old blogger. Good. I like how it is set up and it has worked well for me. I am fine with change if it makes sense, but not just for the sake of change. I only replaced my cell phone when it started having function issues, not just because there was a new model out. I also save a lot of money that way. But I'm off topic.
     I mentioned last week that I was not sure if I was right on schedule with my doll goals or if I was ahead. I had all 16 sets (4 planned weeks) of saddlebags in the works all at once, all at different stages. Friday I was working towards finishing 8 sets, which would put me right on schedule. 
      I did manage to get them finished (and packaged up) so technically I am in fact ahead of schedule. I have 5 more sets of bags that are all the way to bag shaped with liners in. They just need the front pockets made and put on, the inside flap liner and then Velcro. After that I have 3 sets that still need ironing and shaping. I also have to do the backings for all of them and a few other things. There are so many steps to making saddlebags. But I am starting week 3 a bit ahead of schedule and that makes me happy
     Friday evening I also worked a bit later and finished up this western pleasure lady. That was my 3rd doll for the week and that also puts me right on schedule. I did the math again and at this point I just need to make 3 dolls in a week once, and then as long as I can manage 2 dolls in a week I am all set and will reach my goal. Things are looking pretty good.
     So this week I am working on a cross country doll, an interesting driving doll (we'll have to see if my idea works for her or not) and I have the body cut up to work on a youth doll. I need to rebuild her and then I can sew the clothes to the correct size. I already have them cut out, so it's all progress. I'm really happy that I have managed to stay on my schedule so far. If I keep managing to get more done in a week than planned I might be able to make more for my sale than I planned. Or maybe I can take a few days off, who knows.

1 comment:

  1. I was so happy when I discovered how to switch back to the "old" blogger. I kept getting annoyed every time I clicked on my reading list to look at a blog and had to click on another link just to get to that blog. I'm glad they're not going to force us to use the "new and improved" version.
