Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Things are Happening

      As I have mentioned, things have been very busy around here. We have had a lot of home repairs that have needed to happen. It's been a very busy time. The other day we had to take apart part of the roof on the addition. It was gross and in very bad shape. But the deconstruction process went very well, which is more than I can say about a lot of our fixing projects. The worst part for me is I am incredibly afraid of heights so going up the ladder to bring things to Ethan is horrible. But at least I didn't have to kneel on a hot black room in the sun. A little fear isn't the end of the world. And we are a lot further along on fixing things. 
     I have sort of taken a bit of a doll break, though I don't know how long I can let that last. I still have a bunch of dolls and chaps I need to get finished. I am not out of time yet though, so I think I will be OK. I'm pretty excited for my live sale! I got some more prize items in the mail, more of the miniatures I ordered for the sale in August and I got this awesome Ember micro from Maggie Bennett. I have been wanting an Ember for awhile, but I kept missing him. 
      Last year before Breyerfest I was struggling to find dolls to work on. There were none in stock anywhere and the ones I got from Jackie were mis-delivered, the post office said they put them on my porch (not possible) and would not pay on the insurance claim. Things were rough. This year I was incredibly prepared and had lots of doll bodies. And now I will have more variety! Roberto sent me this photo the other day.
    His Caster is finally allowed to open on a part-time schedule and got these made. I have a bunch of bodies that came in and more on the way! I am so excited about this! Now I am just hoping I still actually have the time to get all of the planned stuff finished. The house fixing is incredibly important and sometimes takes a lot of time, and all of my energy. But I still have a couple of weeks. As long as I keep picking away at things, and don't slack off too much, I should be OK. Must. Keep. Going.

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