Friday, July 10, 2020

Breyerfest and Live Sale Leftovers

     I have never been to Breyerfest. Since this year everything is online I am able to participate in the same way that everyone else is; virtually. Wednesday night Jackie Rossi hosted a Zoom party that was in place of their traditional sushi restaurant night. A rotating bunch of us came and went, drank, were silly and it was a good time. It has been a long time since I have gotten to do a large, silly model horse get together. My favorite part of the hobby is the people and chatting with them about whatever. 
Photo by Jackie Rossie
    After watching my desktop computer decline in usefulness over several years, and using the Chromebook that belongs to the school for most things (inconvenient) I finally got myself a new computer. Now I can actually do the things I need to much more efficiently. And I can print from my programs again. My desktop finally decided it could not handle printing a page made in Publisher, no matter how simple it was. I can go back to printing pages for my finished doll binder with much less effort. I like that. 
     It took me awhile, but here, finally, are the leftovers from my live sale. I don't have a whole lot at the moment. I have 2 pairs of the large mens cutting chaps. These fit the tall cowboys made from the basketball player dolls. They are $30 each plus shipping.
    I also have one regular sized pair of mens cutting chaps. Also $30 plus shipping. 
     Today the results from the Breyerfest virtual show should be up and I am interested to see how my entries placed. I have no idea if they will actually have placed at all. The last time I checked the albums, which was at least several days before the entries closed, the classes were not small. I know that Breyerfest Live is a very tough show and even virtually, I can't imagine the show is all that much easier. So I will see how my stuff did and just try to be excited about the results, no matter what they are. 

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