Monday, July 13, 2020

Breyerfest Day 3 and Loot pics!

     Sunday of Breyerfest is often a much more laid back day for many of people. It was not really laid back for me, but there was not all that much about Breyerfest in my day. I did enjoy some loot photos that I was sent. I got as much of the stuff from my live sale out on Wednesday as I could. I am really pleased to see that everything is starting to arrive!
     This photo amused me. I love how the spray is perched on the saddle horn. 
photo by Emily Shenfelt
     I don't know why really, but I do love it when people post photos of the "loot" they got at one of my sales. For one, I have been happy to see no more broken helmets. I was shocked when I broke the helmet during the sale. I had also found 2 broken helmets before the sale. I have no idea what is going on but I am pleased to see that, so far, there have not been any more breaks. 
photo by Jill Webb
     Beth posted this photo which showed off the business card really well and the cake I sent her. There will be cake for the miniatures sale as well. I do love cake! And prizes!
photo by Beth Rappleyea
     Speaking of my business cards, as I was packing everyone's items from the sale, I ran out of cards! A few people ended up with some of the older style cards that have nothing on them but my studio name (because I crossed off the website I no longer have). The new cards have a thank you message printed on the back with my group photo from the Breyerfest dolls of last year. Vistaprint said that rounded corners are really popular right now, so I said what the hell and got rounded corners. I really highly recommend Vistaprint. They do really excellent work, at least on business cards, and I ordered these cards last Monday or Tuesday. They arrived yesterday. That is amazing!

     Speaking of Breyerfest, I said there was not a lot of Breyerfest stuff for me yesterday. But there was some. I knew when the store was supposed to restock so I checked in at 10:00 and managed to snag another set of the stablemates. I got a set Friday, but I got that for my friend. This set will be for me. Actually, just one of them, the rest will go. But I was pleased to snag this. 
     We were cleaning out the storage bin out back and found some things that could go into some of the boxes in the closet. While I was unstacking everything, I found my cow I got in the other day. It's not really a Breyerfest purchase, but I am considering it one. Even though it's not painted yet, I got her in the box with the other cows. She'll be safe there. 

     Even though I also bought these before Breyerfest, they are totally a Breyerfest purchase. Kathy Wood was featured in one of the first Breyefest shopping guides Jennifer Buxton posted. Her studio is Timber Trail Tack Creations and she has her inventory listed on MH$P. I was very into being able to get a full pink blanket and the piggie blanket was ridiculously cute. Plus for the pink ribbon blanket purchase, Kathy made a donation to the Susan B, Komen foundation. How cool is that? I have several horse blankets now. I have never once put them on a horse. I should do that. 
     I did a bunch of cleaning on the porch today and took down the insulation from the ceiling. That is the next big fix-it project. But it is full of all sorts of things. I moved the majority of them into the living room, took out the runner and swept a gross amount of dirt and junk off the floor. The projects continue. 
     At 4:00 we were between projects and I managed to snag some more stuff from the Breyer store! I am not 100% sure I need/want Benalli, but he sure is pretty. And I already have a Kelpie, but it never hurts to have any extra. I think I am now, for sure, done with Breyerfest shopping. 
      I saw another blog post from Breyer that they will keep up the videos and things through tomorrow, which is awesome. I don't know that I will have time right now to watch any more of them, but it's cool that they will be up for another day. I may have seen that they are going to then move the stuff to, the regular site, but don't quote me on that, I may be making it up. Anyway, I still wish I had been able to have more people interactions for my very first Breyerfest. I had a really fun Zoom get together and I have texted with my friend throughout the weekend as I snag things from the store, or SR line, for her. My first Breyerfest was not super ideal, but I am glad I had the opportunity to "attend" a Breyerfest finally. I was definitely an interesting experience. 

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