Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Motivation and Compromise

     I go through phases where I have a really hard time getting anything done. Then I have other times when I am incredibly motivated and can get lots and lots done and I end up surprised at how much I accomplished in a day. The other day I was working on cutting out some dolls clothes. I said to myself that all I had to get done was cutting out a few outfits and getting them sewn. While I was gathering material I got another order and I figured I might as well cut out those clothes too. 
    At that point I had 6 outfits I needed to sew and it just seemed daunting. I didn't want to do it. But then I gave myself a little compromise. I didn't have to sew all the outfits. A couple of the dolls are not ready to be paid for yet, I can, and should, wait a bit to get those done. So I sewed some, but not all of the outfits. 
     Ethan and Travis went for a drive and to get some errands done so after I finished sewing I got started on dressing some dolls. I had a lot of the prep work already done so the casual hunt seat doll came together very quickly. When Ethan got home he got into a side project so I just kept on going. And I managed to finish the hunt seat doll as well. I was so pleased with my progress. I got a whole bunch of outfits cut out, sewn and a couple of dolls finished. Not bad for a day I thought sewing a bit would be enough.
     I probably could have kept going, somehow I still had time in the day, but I figured out something to do for fun. I always loved playing the Sims, but haven't been able to play for years because using my desktop computer made me sick. I tried to load the Sims 3 onto my new laptop but could not get it to read the disks. But I did manage to get a download of the Sims 4 deluxe for $6.50! I have a lot of fun building places and trying to keep my Sims healthy. I guess I can't stop momming even when I am playing a video game. But I managed to take some breaks and set up a small house and had a good time. It was fun to do something different. 
     I still have some orders I need to get to, which always makes me feel like I need to hurry up and keep working. I don't like to keep people waiting. I have the clothes sewn for another couple of dolls and I might get to work on those. Or I might take a few days off. Or it might stop raining long enough for us to work on some more big house projects. Only time will tell. 

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