Saturday, July 4, 2020

So It Did Happen

     Happy Independence day! With a lot of the country still closed and no fireworks displays, most of our usual 4th of July activities are not happening this year. But it is still good to remember that we really do enjoy a lot of freedom in this country. I keep hoping that the (mostly) peaceful fight for equality for all goes well. After all, if we don't have equality we really don't all enjoy the same freedoms. 
     Thursday I brought my car in to the dealership to get my oil changed and get an inspection sticker. I had an appointment and they still didn't even bring my car in for over an hour and a half. I wonder how bad it would be if I didn't have an appointment. Anyway, They got through the oil change and were going to do the inspection and they said my registration was expired so they couldn't do it. I remember the days when the registry would tell you your registration was expiring. Now it's just a super fun surprise. So I went online and renewed my registration and then had to wait for the renewal to process and to get a confirmation email so they would do my inspection. All together I spent about 3 hours at the dealership. It was very cold in there. 
    When I got home I decided it was time to pull out the sewing machine and get some saddle pads finished. I had a whole bunch all prepped and ready after all. 
     Once I started I just kept on going and going. In the end I had 17 new saddle pads, but 18 total because someone backed out of a purchase after my last live sale. Now I need to get these all packed up and numbered and I will be all ready for my live sale tomorrow. Finally, it's tomorrow!
     After the saddle pad sewing I went outside to help Ethan repaint the fence. It was about 90 degrees so there was some sweat in my eyes a few times. But the fence does look good. There is a bit more needed in that side yard but then it will look really excellent! We started the repainting on the far right end of trailer but still have probably about 2/3 more to do. Then the window trim and hopefully the grass will come back in now that we put down fertilizer. It's been raining forever, some good should come out that. So the home repair/maintenance projects are going well and I did actually take it fairly easy with doll making stuff this week. I did pick away at making a small pile of saddle pads, but other than that I don't think I did anything with dolls. Next week I will be working on shipping sales stuff from the live sale and maybe doing a bit of doll work. But I may also take it a bit easy next week as well. I have a couple of orders to do and I need to make some doll clothes for Roberto in trade for the heads he sent me, and maybe that will be what I do. If the things I need to do those projects come in. Shipping is sometimes pretty fast and sometimes it is insanely slow. I never seem to know what I am going to get. 

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