Saturday, July 18, 2020

So That Happened

     Living in a trailer is not usually all that much different than living in a house. Though there are some things that can be very different (at least compared to the house I lived in growing up). Because of how humid Massachusetts is, trailers can be very damp and things pushed up against the wall are not the best idea. Another thing is that shaking one wall might cause a different wall to shimmy a bit and that can cause horse accidents. Ethan was putting up some window trim the other day (outside) and my minis shelf decided to dump a lot of stuff on the floor. Somehow Little Man Mango was undamaged. And so was most everything else. 
      There were a few breaks, but they were clean and should be easily repaired and I can prep over them. This could have turned out so much worse! I had a shelf of resins come down years ago and it was really bad. 
      I need to be working on some dolls but I also need to get into bagging and cataloging miniatures for my miniatures sale. Tuesday I did some of the bagging in the car at the laundromat. 
     And then I came home and worked on that some more. Currently I have 36 different items bagged with several more to go (I am waiting on baggies) and I have stuff I still need to make. I also started working on a PDF catalog that people will be able to print out to follow along with during the sale and pre-shop to see what they want. Some items I have a LOT of. Some I have very limited quantities. But I definitely have a huge variety. The catalog will just have a small picture of the item, a title (so, what I am going to call it like "hot coffee") the price (if I remember to put those in) and a blank space where you can write the item code (which will not be revealed until the sale). I am looking for a place to host a PDF online as well so these are printable. There are options, it looks like I can do this. I will also do a full blog post with longer descriptions of each item. Even though I will not be making the majority of the items I am selling this time around, putting this sale together is a ton of work!
     For the most part my last live sale went extremely well. I sold nearly everything and the lunch bags are still an excellent way to keep track of everyone's purchases and make invoicing and packing easier. This time around I had a few people who asked if sending a money order was OK and I said yes. I got a check in the mail from a long-time customer who always pays quickly and I received the money order quickly from another lady (who I have also known for years). I did have one person however who did not send payment. I went to our conversation on my studio page to check in and see if it was sent and the conversation says "you cannot reply to this conversation". Hmm, that's odd. So I Googled why I might get that message and Google told me if the person's account was deactivated or if they had blocked me. I clicked on their profile picture in the conversation and it took me to what certainly looks like a profile. So I guess all I can conclude is this person blocked me, out of the blue, instead of paying for their item or saying that they could not. 
     So this now leads me to the next thing. Sometimes one person ruins a thing for everyone else. I will no longer be accepting payments by mail unless you get pre-approval from me. If I have taken payments by mail from you in the past, you are most likely pre-approved. If I have known you forever, you will most likely be approved. Please make sure to ask before the sale though. This turned into a very odd situation. And now I have this lovely hunt seat doll available if anyone wants her. Her coat is navy (it doesn't seem to show well in the photo) and she has a bendy neck. She is $200 plus shipping.
     So prep for the miniatures sale is going well. Doll making is happening, but it's slow going so far. The weather is weird, but that is not new. I wonder what weirdness tomorrow will bring!

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