Monday, July 6, 2020

The Aftermath

     I usually schedule my posts to go live at 2:30 am. Blog time is Pacific time I think, so they go live at 5:30. Not today. I had nothing ready for today. I got up early because I still have invoicing to do and I feel bad not getting back to people. I feel bad not chatting back and forth, which is something I am usually up for and enjoy. But not today. Not yet. I need to finish going through all the bags and doing the invoicing. I haven't even been near my email yet. I still have lots to do. 
      I will talk a bit more abut the sale tomorrow, and the new things I learned this time around. I always learn something new, that can hopefully help me run them a bit better. I already know I need someone to help me, and just as soon as that is possible, I will get Elecktra to come and help me. For now though, it's just me. Back to work. 


  1. I gotta say I really appreciated you posting the preview items on your blog this time around. It allowed me to take a good look at all the dolls and pick out my favourite, which I managed to win! I felt bad for you feeling bad about not helping out with the roof, though. I hope that all worked out okay.

  2. I had so much fun! This was my first time doing any kind of live sale and I have to say, you make it look so easy! And big hugs to your hubby who kept the soundtrack going the whole time! :-)

  3. You did great! Even though I wasn't shopping this time, I enjoyed the sale.
