Saturday, August 8, 2020

Almost Finished

         Kitty Cantrell keeps messing with me. I think she knows I have a bit of an obsession with micros and she has been coming out with some really excellent ones lately (yes, I am fully aware it is not personal). I haven't had to get all of them, but I do have several. The latest is this tiny Ravishing Ronald. This was one of the first resins I ever got, about 100 years ago when I started performance showing. I had some big plans for a fancy medieval side saddle set. I don't think I even got the model painted before he moved on. I still have ideas for a cool medieval side saddle set. Maybe it can happen in micro scale. 

       Yesterday was my parents' 50th wedding anniversary. This is a much better look at one of the gifts that Cathy and I got for them. It is a Juniper that Ethan turned into a lovely bonsai. 
         I have also been sewing more masks. It is sort of an endless thing. I heard on the radio the other day that Governor Baker has halted the reopening plan for Massachusetts. We will stay in phase 2 indefinitely until he sees more evidence that infection numbers are down and stay down. There is also going to be a crackdown on people not following the state mandates. We have been following them the whole time. It just seems like a good idea. 
         I still am very into this particular design of mask. They sew up so quickly and are very comfortable to wear. And I have a lot of really cute fabrics these days. Still no Batman. I don't really want to pay $10 for a fat quarter.
       While I prefer making the shaped masks these days, I will still make the pleated style if it is preferred. Or in this case, if you really need it to properly showcase the fabric. Ethan wanted this new fabric for a mask. Also, for anyone that needs to hear it, Joann's has their Halloween fabrics out. No Batman or Spiderman, but they have Halloween.
           Prepping for the miniatures sale has taken a lot of time, but I think I am almost done now. I finished up some egg and spoon sets and some french fries. I had to redo the ketchup on the fries because it came out really badly the first time. I still have some work to do on the blog post catalog, but I think I have a design for it now that I like. It has taken hours of work and many drafts, of both the PDF and blog post, for me to finally come up with something that works that I don't hate. I think that will come out tomorrow. 

     In less than a week it will be my miniatures sale. I am ready for the day to be here and ready for the day to be done. Live sales have gotten somewhat easier in some ways. They don't scare me as much and it takes less time to relax and stop being so nervous. So far the nerves have not gone away. Pushing start live is terrifying. Once I get into things it's fun, though definitely also plenty of work. Yes, I am ready for it to be over. Ready to see if it all went well. And ready to see if the new ideas I came up with worked. Less than a week and I will know. 

1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to your miniature live sale and very eagerly awaiting the catalog to see all the goodies.
