Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Cardshark Photo Edition English Division

      The English Division of Cardshark started with Dressage. Mocha Latte went in with her cropped live show picture. She did not place. 
Bootlegger went in with a photo show pictures and also did not place. 
     Halestorm went into the class of 21 with this cropped live show entry. He got 3rd place. 
     The next division was Hunter/Jumper/Cross country. Bootlegger went in with this photo show entry (that I never loved) and did not place. 
 Halestorm did not place with his cropped live show hunter entry. 
     And Mocha Latte also did not place with her cropped down live show jumper entry. There were 28 entries in the class!
     There were 19 entries in the English Trail-Arena class. Mocha Latte did not place. This is also certainly not the best photo. I have never taken live show photos with the intent to crop them down for online entry. When live shows start up again I might make that effort. 
     Halestorm also did not place. This is also not really the best angle for the photo. I had to crop it a bit tighter than I wanted to get the ribbon out of the pic. 
     Caramel Latte went in with an old photo show photo and also did not place. 
There were 9 entries in English Trail-Natural. Bootlegger got 3rd with his photo show photo. 
     Lilith got 1st with her cropped live show photo. This was from the day I freaked people out by cutting a Braymere bridle to make it fit the horse properly. Not surprising, Jennifer was fine with the modification and said it looked much better. 
There were 22 entries in Huntseat pleasure. Flash in the Sky did not place. 
Caramel Latte did not place. 
     And Halestorm did not place with his slightly blurry photo. Clearly, some live show photos work better than others. 
     There were 17 entries in English Games. Halestorm did not place with her candy race. I have done this setup in much more interesting and elaborate ways, but I did not have any photos of it. 
     Lilith went in with a cropped live show photo as well. This was the Water Gun Relay. It was basically coming up with an interesting way to use a standing pony, with a turned head, and a miniature super soaker. Sometimes these things work out. This entry got 3rd place. 
      Bring the Mayhem went in with the photo I took for the Breyerfest show. He got 2nd place.
   There were 19 entries in the Other English Class. Mocha Latte went in with a versatility entry, cropped from a live show photo, and did not place. 
     I put Lady Liberty in with her therapeutic riding entry (Breyerfest photo) because therapeutic riding is a very important class for me. The little boy doll is my Travis doll and the doll in the green shirt out front is my Elecktra doll. All of the photos used in my reference are Travis from when he was in therapeutic riding. This entry got 6th place. 
    Flash in the Sky went in with an old photo show entry and got 3rd place. 
In the end Lilith got reserve champion in the English division. 
And Caramel Latte got overall reserve performance champion. 
Which won her a saddle set!
Photo by Bethany Shaw

    This was an incredibly fun show and I really enjoyed the live feed where Bethany pulled names for door prizes and read off the champ and reserve champ results. It makes me want to hold an online show. I don't know if I have that kind of time, but I am considering it. 

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