Monday, August 3, 2020

Cardshark Photo Edition Other Performance

      A while back, maybe even several months ago at this point, I entered Cardshark, which is usually a live show. Bethany Shaw switched it to a photo show for this year because it's a bad idea to be going to live shows at the moment. I thought it was a fantastic idea. Under normal circumstances I would not have the chance to enter this show as Bethany lives all the way on the other side of the country. So I was definitely excited. I am also lacking in time these days so I started digging through photos to see what was usable of what I already have.
     My first entry was Caramel Latte in the harness class. This is a doctors buggy entry I did at a live show. I just cropped it down to focus on just the important parts of the setup. Caramel Latte got 2nd place in harness out of a class of 8.
      My next class was Indigenous Regalia/Traditional dress. Caramel Latte got 1st place out of 6 entries. This was an old photo show photo I used when I showed with MEPSA.
     My next class was Parade/other costume. Caramel Latte got 1st out of 17! This makes me super happy. This was another cropped down live show photo. 

         The next class was Other performance/scene. Caramel Latte got 5th with her picnic at the horse show scene. 
      Enchanted Eve went in too but did not place in the class of 12. But I really like this photo. This was another old photo show picture. 
       In the end Caramel Latte was named champion in the Other performance division. Bethany did drawings for door prizes and the champ results in a live video on Facebook. I only got to catch a bit of it, but it was a lot of fun! And there is some more fun to come. 

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