Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Miniature Details

         2020 has been a very odd year. There is just no way around that. We have been dealing with a quarantine, conspiracy theories, shortages, price gouging, confusion, miscommunication and a whole lot of uncertainty. People have dealt with this year in a variety of different ways. Some of them are healthy. Some people have been really innovative. Some people have stopped functioning normally for days or weeks at a time. A lot of us, myself included, are not always sure what day (or month) it is. The model horse hobby has had it's usual drama and fighting as well as a movement back to our showing roots. Before there were live shows there were photo shows. I am really happy that there has been a shift to entries that don't need a realistic background. I know I have said it before, but that is all that makes showing (new photos) possible for me right now. And it has been a lot of fun. 

     Cardshark photo edition was an incredibly fun show and Jennifer Buxton's Pandemic Performance Panorama has been a lot of fun for me as well. I went right from making miniatures to prep for my miniatures sale into making miniatures for me because I like them. That is also Jennifer's fault, which I know I have mentioned before. I am finding incredibly affordable printables on etsy and then spending a ridiculous amount of time making them. But it's fun. I bought a download of 1:6 scale double sided dollars. Then I spent a ton of time resizing it to 1:9 scale. Now I have lots and lots of fake money for my dolls to play with. 


       I got most of my photos for Pandemic Performance Panorama finished last week, but then I still had to finish making things for the 2020 performance class. And not only was I making a bunch of different things, I needed to work out how to set it up. I wanted to try to showcase the madness that is 2020, all in a single photo. I ended up making this set-up. I have the front of a house with bunches of packages out front. You can see into the living room (super cheesy, on purpose) where Little Elecktra is hanging out in her easy chair, wrapped in a quilt, with a stack of books and snacks. The TV has a news story about murder hornets on it. 
The "house" and living room are made out of pieces of card stock propped up in different ways. You miss a lot of the details in the final photo. I needed to get the horse in after all. I said I would find a way to put my chair I got from Priam Costumes into a performance setup. Little Elecktra is in quarantine, wrapped in a tiny quilt my mom made for me. 
     On the floor next to the chair is a stack of horse books (a gift from Jennifer), some candy and a coffee. 
     In my final photo some of these details are sort of lost. I am hoping the concept comes through well. I have the rider coming by, wearing a mask. The sign on his saddle says "hand sanitizer $20, wipes $10, toilet paper $5 a roll) He has a bag full of money over his shoulder and a shopping cart loaded up with supplies behind him. He's being chased by a lady who has a fistful of money. It did not come together quite as well as I wanted it to, but I did not have time (or money) to make a real house front. I do think I managed to get a lot of the craziness of 2020 into the photo. 
     Pretty soon the deadline to upload photos for the show will be here. I have all of my photos uploaded. I was thinking I might do a couple more, but I am happy with what I have. This show has a class list that is very open to interpretation. I love things like this. But now I am done and just need to wait to see how my entries do. And I will go and enjoy the rest of the entries in the albums while I wait.

1 comment:

  1. I was enjoying all those other entry photos today too. What imagination! But trying to judge them was hard. I could only manage about a third [of the classes].
