Friday, August 21, 2020

Packages Make Me Happy

     About a week ago, Jennifer Buxton published a blog post about miniature packages. Amazon and USPS packages. And they were awesome. She put a link to the etsy shop where she found them in the end of the post. Today's post is mostly Jennifer's fault. 
     As soon as I read her post I went to the shop and just had to buy the Amazon boxes, the USPS boxes and the FedEx boxes. I am currently considering going back for the UPS boxes. Anyway, I purchased the downloads and then they sat around in my computer for about a week until I had some time when I didn't want to do anything in particular. That seemed like a good time to start working on some boxes. I absolutely love the realism of these! Totally worth a $3 download. 
     The next morning I kept on making boxes. All of a sudden I had gone from sort of avoiding doing any work to wanting to work on shipping boxes obsessively. I made a nice variety of things. Ethan asked if I was going to sell them. I said so far they are for me to play with. He said I should sell them and then not ship them, for realism. When I posted on Facebook Danielle said I should make sure to really beat up the USPS ones for realism. It's funny/not funny because it's all true. 
     We did some work on cleaning up the construction leftovers/trash from the yard and put in some more insulation on the parts of the roof that needed it. And I continued to obsessively make boxes. I did finally decide it was time to sew so I got out the machine and moved my packages behind it. I couldn't help myself though, I had to take this photo through the sewing machine. My stack of packages looks so realistic and I love it! I will probably keep on making some more. They are just way too cute. 
      Besides making tiny packages, I got a really great small package in the mail. And good things come in small packages! It was my box of prizes from Cardshark. 
       Cardshark has got to be about the most fun photo show I have ever entered. Not only was it the first opportunity I have had to show (other than Breyerfest) this year, Bethany Shaw had incredibly nice prizes. Her live feed for the results was a really excellent idea. It was a bit of a live show experience in a photo show. And then today my prizes showed up. I all of a sudden want to use the 3rd through 6th places ribbons as bookmarks (until each wears out). That seems like a neat idea for a ribbon. Maybe I will put the satin ribbons with the Breyerfest ribbons and see about collecting some more (I have been returning those at shows for years) and make a pillow. I have seen some really cool ideas for projects made out of show ribbons. 
      Here is a closer look at the saddle I won for overall reserve performance champion. It's so pretty! I don't think I have ever won a saddle before. It is definitely a very cool feeling! I also love that it shipped wrapped around a baking soda cane. The bridle was tucked inside, perfect! Bethany made the prize saddles herself. Here is a link to her studio page to check out her work. 
     Yesterday was definitely a nice day. I continued making boxes and I got a cool box of fun in the mail. The weather was nice too. I love good days like that. And I didn't once feel like a slacker. 


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