Thursday, August 13, 2020


     The other night, after I finished up Lynn's doll, we headed out to spend some time in nature. Travis found the perfect log for us to sit on and we took this sweaty selfie. It's been pretty hot lately. I love it, I'm not cold. 


     We spent some time near the water, and we watched the sun set. 

       This dead tree reminded me of a painting I did when I was a teenager. I need to find it and compare with the photograph. I can't paint deciduous trees so the only one that ended up in my painting was dead. But I liked how this looked against the sunset. 

     It was a very peaceful time we spent hanging out next to the water. It was quiet, for the most part, and watching the sun set is always nice. The drive home I leaned back and looked at the stars through the open sunroof. I love driving at night, in the summer, with the windows open. Let me correct that, I like going for a drive in the summer, at night, with the windows open. I personally don't like driving at night because seeing can be tricky. I hate oncoming traffic. But Ethan drove and I enjoyed the ride. 

      The miniatures sale is tomorrow at 2:00 pm EDT on my studio Facebook page. I think I am mostly ready. I guess we'll find out. I hope to see you all there!

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