Sunday, August 23, 2020

Spanish Side Saddle

       A while back, Fabian ordered a Spanish side saddle rider from me. He had a commission in for a Spanish side saddle with tack maker Nastya Savkovskaya, who is one of the very talented Russian tack makers. You can see some more of her work here

      Nastya usually works in stablemate scale, so this traditional scale set was a bit out of her comfort zone. But she knocked it out of the park. This is an incredibly gorgeous, very detailed set!
         I love how the set looks, how the doll looks with the set, and how everything looks on the horse. I love when projects like this come together. I actually get a kick out of seeing dolls I made in any setup. But the extra special ones, that went to special friends, are especially nice. 
       I don't have any use for a Spanish side saddle, but I do enjoy well made miniatures and I loved looking at these photos Fabian took. If you want to see more they are on his Facebook page. And Nastya has some on hers as well. 

     Thank you Fabian, for allowing me to share your photos and this very special set. It is super gorgeous!

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