Thursday, September 3, 2020

I’m Tired

       I am incredibly tired these days. It has been a long time since I had to get up early every day, though I am not getting up as early as I will need to in another week. I am finding that the hardest part of wearing a mask for a large part of the day is I seem to be holding my jaw in a funny way. Probably to unconsciously push it out just a bit. Or maybe my jaw has been hurting because of the near-constant tension headache I have had for about a week now. Though I have NO idea why I would be tense...

      My goal yesterday was to get just one new answer. I thought it was a nice, small, achievable goal. It would have been if the one answer I really wanted was not one of two specific answers. I DID get a lot of new information. Since Cathy said such great things about it, I went and learned Google Forms. It's pretty fun. And I have seen some neat things you can do with it. There are definitely interesting things about this very drawn out, unusual professional development time. 

     I also took some more walks around the school, following the one-way hallways, to try to figure out the most efficient way to get between my classes. The Monday/Thursday schedule is not bad. I figured out a pretty good way to do that one right away. The Tuesday/Friday scheduled has me stumped. I CAN get between the classes, but it seems like a super inefficient way to do it. I need to keep working on that one. And then practice it so it becomes second nature. 

    On one of my walks I noticed this bulletin board:

     Most specifically, I focused in on this one. Perfectly fitting in with that idea, Angelique printed me out a list of brain break activities. The only thing I have managed so far was to glance at the paper and see that one of the things is to stand up. Got it. It's a tricky time right now. I really want to try to figure out how to be a distance para, but I need 2 pieces of information to really start to figure it out. Even just one of the 2 would be a good start. But I could not find the people I needed today, who may have had the information. And it is entirely possible that at least one of the things I need to know has not been decided yet. I guess I will just keep rolling with it. Eventually the answers I need will exist. 
      In the realm of things that make me happy, I am trying to make sure that anyone I made a mask for has it properly fitted so it is comfortable. We have a lot more opportunities to take them off at the moment (there are A LOT of nearly empty rooms) but when the kids come back they will need to be on for most of the day. Which I feel means they should be comfortable. And if they are also cute that is a bonus. So I have actually spent a lot of time talking about masks and ways we can make them fit better and also be more comfortable. This is never something I thought I would become well versed in, lol.
      I have been coming home very tired all this week. I think most of it has got to be mental exhaustion. I was only actually required to do 12 hours of PD over the first 11 days of school. I think I did 20 hours in the first 5 days. I did spend bits of time talking to the teachers I will be working with, and teachers that I just like, but I have spent a lot of time staring at the Chromebook and learning tricks about all of the different things Google has to offer. There is a lot. And the cool thing is they all work together. The bad part is since I am not a teacher I have very little use for a lot of things. Back to good news, if I know how to do all the tricks I can help the kids with the tech. Someone always has a question on how to do something or add something. Now I know a lot more somethings than I did. 
     Anyway, I come home very tired and sometimes have to lay down and close my eyes for a bit of a catnap. And then I struggle to function. I know I need to keep on working on dolls. I don't have time to just stop. So I have been picking away at a batch of them. Monday I cut out some clothes. Tuesday I did laundry so no doll work. Wednesday I finally sewed some clothes. Yesterday I dremeled a bunch of dolls and got started on this casual western lady. She still needs some removable cutting chaps and a head, but I at least am making progress. I am hoping later today I have the energy to get her head and chaps done and enough leftover (energy) to make a start on another doll that is in the works. 
     I feel like my posts have been super boring the last couple of days. But I don't have much of interest to talk about. I have spent a lot of time on Google. Someone else asked (a teacher friend of mine) why I am not a teacher. I think it's lack of time. If I had just a few more hours in the day, or maybe double, I think I could add that in too. 


  1. Not every day can be interesting! Tired is understandable. But boring you are not. And I'd read them even if you were. :)

  2. I love hearing your teacher stories! It's so hard right now, but they're lucky to have you. You're an amazing educator -- and I selfishly appreciate that you know what I'm going through right now here in NC. Thanks for the cameo in this post. :)
