Monday, September 21, 2020


      There are days that I struggle to get anything done. And then there are days when I have a ton of motivation. Saturday was one of those days.

       I got a message early in the day from a customer who wanted to get a doll for a friend as a birthday gift. Several friends got together to finance the doll. I got started on her when the details of her clothing were being worked out. After all, it doesn't matter what the hunt seat doll is going to wear, I know that she will need a bendy neck and some extra dremeling. And I also know that the gorilla glue takes a bit of time to dry. 


      So we went back and forth a bit and as I got the details I needed I pulled fabric and cut out clothing. I also managed to get a few things cut for the youth dolls I already have in the works. 


        I should have a day off every once in awhile, but I was feeling really motivated so I kept on going with the doll. I got her outfit sewn...


      And that was where I stopped. I did pull a head out but I have not haired the doll yet, painted the face or gloves and clearly she has a way to go before she is properly dressed. But I got a good start on her and this makes me really happy.
      Technically, I have other dolls I should have worked on before I worked on this one. It was a brand new order and no one expected me to turn out a doll that day. I could have, but I did other things. It was the weekend after all. I try to make the dolls in the order of deposits (when I say the deposit is to book your slot, that is exactly what I mean) but sometimes I just have to go outside of the strict order. Sometimes, like now, I am actually working on several dolls at the same time. One has so many details and will need some figuring out for some aspects. And armor, he will also need armor. Some dolls I hate making, youth dolls, so I got all of the bodies taken care of at the same time. And sometimes I just need something easy and fun. Hunt seat dolls are easy and fun. This doll helped me get a bit motivated. I am hoping I can keep up the momentum.

1 comment:

  1. It's great to see inside someone's artistic process. It's just as irregular and human as my own. Thanks for sharing.
