Tuesday, September 15, 2020

One Down

      Virtual school is weird. There is no way around it. We followed our Wednesday schedule yesterday (yes, we knew it was Tuesday) so we could meet with all of the classes. I had to log into a variety of different classes. I had slow connection issues often. I got bumped out of the Google Meets a few times. It was a little bit tough. But we made it through. Hopefully now that we got past the first day the rest will fall into place. It does sometimes happen. 

     After school the kids and I went to the eye doctor. Travis really loves those little roll up sunglasses, I have no idea why. But he sure looks good in them. 

     I am exhausted. The school days are going to continue to be weird for weeks. And then probably a different kind of weird after that. But we will get there. The good news is the kids seem really excited to "see" and talk to each other again. At least they have that. And we can slowly get used to groups of kids being in the school again. But not just yet. 

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