Monday, September 7, 2020

Pandemic Performance Panorama Results

       The Pandemic Performance Panorama was definitely not your typical performance show. The class list was just a list of prompts. The showers, myself included, then needed to take the concept, interpret it in any way we saw it, and then we were judged on the creativity of our idea and the execution of it. Since the class list was entirely open to interpretation Jennifer chose to have 3 separate judges for a variety of results. The results came in separate posts. 

     I entered a few random show photos that seemed to fit into the class themes but I am going to share the ones I took specifically for the show. First up was Bad Performance. I took that one very literally. I put together a trail entry with as many things wrong as I could put into a single entry. The documentation also said to canter over the poles. The sad thing is I think I have seen actual photos of horses tacked up like this with people trying to ride them. There were 84 entries in Bad Performance. 

Margaret placed it first. Her comment to Jennifer was  (This photo physically made me twitch. Definitely the definition of BAD). It actually sort of hurt me to set this up. 

     The next class was teeny tiny performance. The first thing I thought of was micros, but I don't have tack for any of them. What I do have is a lot of unpainted micros, with a few painted micros. I started thinking about Dr. Suess (not sure how that happened) and I was thinking of the machine in the Sneeches that took the stars off or put them on. Then that idea turned into a horse painting machine. Since I had no time to build something like that I printed it on paper and I taped Hugh Can Do It to the out tube. I meant this entry to be silly and cheesy. And fun fact, Dr. Suess lived in Springfield, MA, which is also where I grew up. There were 71 entries in Teeny Tiny Performance.
      Jennifer gave this entry an honorable mention. Margaret did as well. 
     Here P.R. (who is a tiny foal) is dreaming of being a grown up show horse. Also meant to be cheesy and funny. I laughed a lot while I did these. 
     I didn't have an entry for Vintage Performance so my next class was Outdoor performance. Though when I had the idea for this photo I remembered it as outdoor photo. This would have been a better (and sadder) entry for a class with that name. But this is another entry that sort of made me laugh. There were 103 entries in Outdoor Performance. 
     The next class was Stable Performance, and another that I set up to amuse myself and be silly. I don't own a barn or any cool stable dioramas, so I printed out the most cartoonish barn I could find and set up a good collection of stable props (which I have plenty of) and finally found a use for my piggie blanket. I got to play with a bunch of props, which gave me the idea that I really need to go through all my stuff and get photos. I am not totally sure what I even own anymore. There were 68 entries in Stable Performance. 
    The next class was naked performance. When I first saw the classlist I figured I definitely needed to have a bunch of naked dolls in it. I also wanted to add the black censorship bars because I thought it was funny. And you know what? I was right. This one also made me laugh a lot! Especially the naked judge with his clipboard. I should have given him a hat. There were 69 entries in Naked Performance (get your mind out of the gutter). 
      Jennifer gave this entry and honorable mention and Mindy placed it 4th. Margaret placed it 5th.
     For sparkly performance I originally had the idea of not only pulling out all the sparkly tack but also making a sparkly blanket for a horse or two. Turns out I did not have that kind of time. I did have several pieces of this sparkly fabric and a really sunny day. So I put sparkly tack on the horses and made all the footing sparkly. I posted a video of the fabric blowing in the breeze. There were 53 entries in Sparkly Performance.
     Mindy placed this entry 5th, Margaret placed it 2nd
    Up next was mixed scale performance. This idea was cooler in my head. I found that I had issues with the execution of some of my ideas. This one I definitely struggled with. The idea was basically to have a herd of horses in mixed scale. Which I did, just not in a very interesting way. There were 62 entries in Mixed Scale Performance.
     Have you ever lost a prop that you needed to make an entry accurate? For other animal performance I decided to do a trail entry with Bacon, my pig. He's been wearing the pony saddle for a long while, why not let him show? I did not have time to make a pig bridle (I know, I said it a lot, but it is true. I kind of don't have any extra time) so I put him in my new rope halter and tied the very long lead rope into some reins. But I could not find my mail. So I had to take the photo in a way that did not show that the mailbox was empty. The compost pile and firewood in the background are a bit distracting. Bacon is cute and I think this entry could have been a lot cuter. Sooner or later I will set it up again properly. I found the mail as soon as I started putting everything away. Of course, lol. There were 86 entries in Other Animal Performance.
     Jennifer gave Bacon an honorable mention.
      My last entry was 2020 performance. I had a really excellent idea for this photo. My translation of that concept to a photo fell very flat. I had the idea to have someone quarantined in their house, surrounded by snacks and horse books (and wrapped in a comfy quilt). There would be a pile of packages outside the house. A couple of people had to be in masks, someone had to be selling toilet paper and disinfecting wipes at extravagant prices. I had all that, and murder hornets on the news. But this was surprisingly hard to photograph. My "house" was a couple of pictures printed out and set up in a way that you could see "into" the house. But (again) I didn't have time to create a 1:9 scale dollhouse to do this in the way I envisioned it. I also did not have enough space of my tiny table to set everything up so it was easy to see things. I was a bit bummed. But I did manage to put all of those concepts into a photo. The guy on the horse has a bag of money hanging off his shoulder. The other doll is chasing him down with a handful of money, trying to buy his toilet paper and bottled water. It's all in there, even if it is not super visually pleasing. There were 66 entries in 2020 Performance. 
     Somehow, Jennifer gave it an honorable mention and Mindy gave it 7th place ( honorable mention since I believe the show placed to 6th). Maybe some of my concepts got through. 

      I did not expect to do particularly well at this show. I didn't have the time I would have liked to really properly make the props to put the entries together well. I also am kind of a sucky photographer. which I already knew, lol. The winners of the classes absolutely deserved their wins. The photos were amazing, as well as the creative concepts. Congratulations to all the winners AND the entrants. This was a tough show and it was fun to think of new things. Thank you Jennifer for holding an amazing show. I got to laugh a lot. 2020 has not brought too many things to laugh about so all of them are appreciated. 

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on your placings! I think this show was what showing should be all about - one where you had fun regardless of how you placed and you were still smiling when it was over.
