Saturday, September 26, 2020

Performance Only Photo Show Champs

       I thought that we were never going to get the champ results for the Performance Only Photo show. Turns out the judge had done the placings but forgotten to post them. We all are going in 15 different directions these days, mistakes happen. But the champs are up and I am excited!
       In the CM/AR traditional western division, Purdy Zippin Chick got champion
And Bootlegger got reserve champion!
In the CM/AR traditional English Performance division Purdy Zippin Chick got champion
And Bootlegger got reserve champion!
In the OF traditional performance division Bring the Mayhem got reserve champion. 
In the CM/AR traditional Other Other (really, 2 others) performance division Purdy Zippin Chick got champion!

In the OF traditional Other Other performance division Lady Liberty also got champion!
I really enjoyed this show and even with the long delay for champs it had bits of the live show experience. Watching notifications pop up as the classes were pinned was fun. Being able to see the other entries was great as well. Now I need to go find some more photo shows to enter!


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