Saturday, September 12, 2020

Performance Only Photo Show-Western

         There are a lot of shows popping up these days. Sadly for me, not a lot of them have performance classes. The Performance Only Photo Show is clearly different. There are is a separate division for AR/CM, mini AR/CM, OF, and mini OF performance entries. It's pretty great. When I took my new performance photos of Purdy Zippin Chick, it was partially working with this show's class list that helped me plan out what I wanted to do. 

     The first class was AR/CM Western pleasure. Purdy Zippin Chick got 1st out of a class of 7

      Over in OF Western pleasure, Lady Liberty got 4th place out of a class of 8

Next was OF Traditional Reining. Bootlegger was 1st of 4

I didn't have any entries in OF reining, so my next class was AR/CM traditional western trail. Bootlegger got 5th place out of 8. 
And Purdy Zippin Chick got 1st. 

There were also 8 entries in the OF Traditional trail class. Lady Liberty got 1st

Bootlegger got 3rd of 3 in AR/CM traditional natural trail.

Next up was AR/CM traditional cow work. Bootlegger got 1st in a class of 7 with his working cowhorse entry. 
OF traditional cow work had 8 entries. Bring the Mayhem got 4th with his working cowhorse entry.
And Lady Liberty got 2nd with her roping entry.
    To round out the western division we had AR/CM traditional Other Western performance. Purdy Zippin Chick got 1st in a class of 7.
Bootlegger got 5th with his housewife scurry game.
There were 7 entries in OF traditional Other western. Bring the Mayhem also did the Housewife scurry entry and got 5th (what a funny coincidence!)
        And Lady Liberty got 2nd with her Extreme Cowboy entry. 

         I was hoping to hold off on posting these show reports until the champs were done. Recently I am struggling to think of things to post about. So I am just going to post this and will post about champs when they are ready. I still want to do a post about my props, but that is going to take a lot of time to even just take the photos. I seem to be lacking in free time these days for some reason, lol. 

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