Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Show (Photo) Weekend

     This past weekend we had really spectacular weather. It was perfect to go out and get some photo show pictures. Instead of using the haphazard setup I have been using, which was a large piece of MDF on top of a small camp table, I had Ethan dig out my photo show table. Which is still not a huge table, but definitely is less precarious. 
     Once I dodged the bit of iffy weather (it was misting when I first tried to go out) I decided to set up old school, with a twist. 
      My live show footing is pieces of ultra suede, which is not particularly realistic. My photo show footing has always been coffee, which if not put down perfectly will show the table through it. This time I put down the ultra suede and covered it with coffee. It works out really nicely. 
     I did also take an endurance riding photo in a corner of my yard. 
     The portrait feature on the iPhone really does take some amazing shots! Too bad it often blurs out important features like reins. I still really love this photo. 
     At one point during a tack change I got a visitor. I heard and unusual noise, looked over, and this chicken was staring at me! I think even chickens are unsure of what our hobby is all about. My chicken visitor didn't stay long, but long enough for me to take her photo. 
      I did a few photos on Saturday morning, then Ethan and I spent some time together throwing axes for our anniversary (it was fantastic!), and then spent several hours on Sunday taking more photos. It was amazingly beautiful weather and I managed to get some shots for the Mares In Black Photo show and some that I needed for regular photo shows. 
      Because I was having way too fun with the portrait mode I have also been taking some interesting photos that are not workable for shows but have been fun to share on Instagram. I didn't do any doll work last weekend, though I "worked" on show photos for a large chunk of the time. It was tiring in some ways but also incredibly energizing to just do something I love. I should try that more often.


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