Thursday, October 15, 2020

How to Enter Field of Dolls Online Show

     The original show post with all the details. 

     It's time! Since I had to tweak my show date a bit to allow the judges some extra time (just in case) I decided to open entries early.  So here is everything you need to know to enter Field of Dolls Online Show on SmugMug. First, go to 


password is:  Fieldofdollsonline 

Before you enter the show please make sure you have officially entered the show. 

Entry form:

     OK, let's get started! When you login click on photo site at the top of the page. You will get a page that looks like this:

      Next, click on the folder for the section you want to enter. There is an OF folder, for all the regular OF performance classes, an AR/CM folder, for all the regular AR/CM performance classes, and there is a specialty/scene folder for all the specialty classes which will be OF, AR and CM combined. Once in the folder you want, click on the gallery you want to add your photo to. For this example I am entering AR/CM showmanship
    Once you are in the folder click on upload photos. Either drag and drop the photo or browse your computer. Upload the photo of your choosing and then X out at the top right of the screen, next to the class name. 
Now my Showmanship photo is in the album. I want to click on it to add the info.
     On the left hand side of the page are a bunch of icons, click the 3 lines. That allows you to add details. Click on add details. 
Enter in:
Horse's name

You also want to add a link to the documentation
     I like to use imgur, but you can use any photo hosting site you want. Please check to make sure the link works. There will also be a folder on the SmugMug page where you can add your documentation and link from there. I loaded up my showmanship documentation. On the left hand side is a little arrow which says share when you hover over it. Click on that.
That will bring up a link you can copy. 

    Add that into the info box for your photo. Then hit save and you can X out of the photo (upper right) and you are done! You can go through the process again to add all of your other photos. 

    Hopefully this little entry tutorial was helpful. If you run into any problems, or find you have questions, post them on the Field of Dolls Online Facebook group. If all else fails, or you just don't have Facebook, you can email me at But I am SUPER busy these days, so it might take a bit for me to get back to you. Happy Showing!


  1. Hi just wanted to ask a few questions about the entry form! The first box doesn't specify what it's for - I assume your name? Also, how much is the entry fee?

  2. Oh also a link to the class album would be good so we can look at the class list and see entries without having to log in. The link to smugmug is also broken btw.

  3. Entered! Now I need to start taking pictures!

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