Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Mares in Black Spooktacular Fun Classes

        The performance classes at the Mares in Black show did not have tons of entries. The same could not be said for the fun classes (or the halter classes, which I judged). The first fun class I entered was House Pets. I pulled out most of my dogs and the one cat I have left, set up my armchair made by Priam Customs and got out my Elecktra doll. Then I made some madness. I could see real Elecktra being in heaven living like this. The caption says "Elecktra feels that you can never have enough house pets. Her family feels she needs and intervention." Cynthia placed this third (out of 62!) 

     My next entry was in Barn Love. This was the first photo I took for the MIB show and I really like how it turned out. It didn't place at all but I still think it was worth the effort. 
      My next class was LOL and I entered Bootlegger and his whip stealing in it. I got an entrants choice award and 2nd place from the judge! (a small class of 39 entries). 
      For Colorific I recycled my Stock Market entry. Since it was mostly pink I felt it qualified. Cynthia must have agreed, she gave it 2nd (78 in that class). 
     I had really high hopes for my Mares in Black entry. This was one where I had a vision of what I wanted, it was complex, and it all came through in the photo (for the most part). I also think it would be a pretty epic real-life event when we can have those again. There were 64 in this class and my entry got an entrants choice and 3rd place. 
     My last entry was in Spooky Kooky. I also put this entry in the performance specialist division under All Dressed Up. It did not place in performance but in Spooky Kooky is got 5th place out of 39 entries. 

      I had a ton of fun with the Mares in Black Spooktacular photo show. It was great trying to come up with clever entries. I didn't manage to enter all of the classes, but I had fun coming up with things to show. Saturday is a live results Zoom party and I am really looking forward to that!

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