Sunday, October 25, 2020

Wicked Cool

      I have been very excited about all the 3D printed items Michelle is making at Rockin W Ranch-Hobbies (on Facebook). I asked her recently if she could make me some folding tables. I have a couple of the wrestler folding tables, but those are meant to "break" so they have the split in the middle. Michelle worked out the tables in 1:9 scale and some more in micro scale. I had to buy myself a couple, they are SO nicely made, and Michelle sent me the micro ones. I think they will be show prizes for the Field of Dolls Online show. 
     The legs fold up nicely, and the tables are very stable when they are open. I love them! The micro ones are a bit delicate, but also really nicely made. 
     I managed to finish up another Western Pleasure doll the other day as well. I had to order hats so I could paint one to match the chaps. Then right after I finished this doll I found my missing hats, lol. This is why you should always put things where they go. 
     Prep for my next live sale, which will be held on Black Friday, and prep for my online show are both going well. I think soon I might work on some cross country kits, though I have not really decided yet. I have a bunch of chaps that need to get finished, so I might get those taken care of first. So much to do! And not really all that long to get it done. 

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