Sunday, November 8, 2020

A Comparison of Performance

     When I started showing in performance I was an OF shower. That is what I had and what I could afford to buy. At that time most performance shows would separate OF and AR/CM for fairness. OF horses were just not as competitive. Artist resin and customized horses had the potential to be perfect performance horses and OF horses were still basically toys. The split made sense. 
     These days we have a lot of options for amazing OF performance horses. Quite a few original finish models have been sculpted by some of the best artists in the hobby. They are incredibly well done and incredibly good for performance. Today I want to do a bit of a comparison using photos taken by Jennifer Buxton and Dani Youdris for the Mares in Black Spooktacular photo show. These photos are all used with permission. 
    The Mares in Black Spooktacular show had a very open-to-interpretation class list. All you got was a prompt and you then had to enter photos that you felt fit the theme. The first class is Fly High. I also entered this division, with Mocha Latte, and since it was consistency (points matter for champs) I chose to interpret all of the classes in a fairly traditional horse show way. Jennifer was using a standing artist resin model and a jumper entry does not work well with a standing model. But this patient mare and cute little girl playing with her plane sure fit. This entry was excellent, super creative, and got first place. It also made me realize that I don't own a bareback pad and I really need a pink one. 
      Dani chose to go with a jumping entry, though not a traditional one. Her model is an original finish piece. This bareback and bridle-less jumping entry is both mildly terrifying and incredibly well executed. Both the horse and the doll add to the theme of Fly High. This was an excellent entry and a solid second place. It also made me look at all of my nice, but very regular entries and wish I had thought a bit more outside the box. 
     The next class I want to talk about is Just Dance. Dani went in with another mildly terrifying entry. I am sure there is a name for this type of event, but I can't think of what it is. This is another example of a very creative entry where all of the elements are working together to make a perfect picture. I have seem demonstrations like this. Dani did an excellent job on this one. This entry again got second place. 
     Jennifer had another slight dilemma with her calm standing model. How to do Just Dance with a horse that is clearly not dancing. Dolls to the rescue! This entry was another example of very creative, perfectly executed performance. Jennifer again got a first with this one. 
       For our next comparison we have the class Sliding Scale. Jennifer happens to own a 1:9 scale scale. And a miniature slide. What is better than putting those things together in a scene? Again, all of the elements are working together to make a really complete picture. Love N Stuff is watching the scale, the little girl is filming it on her phone. It is just so ridiculous and fun. Another first place entry.

     Dani's interpretation of Sliding Scale was to have her horse and rider on a full sized scale! In the arena. Other than the scale in the photo the tack is perfectly fitted and correct and the doll looks like she is part of the action, not just thrown on as an afterthought. I have been saying for years that dolls can either help or hurt your entries, depending on if you use them well. Dani, and Jennifer, both use their dolls well. Dani's entry got second place. 

       At this point you are probably thinking that I am proving that OF models are not as competitive as artist resin and customized models. But Mocha Latte, who is also an artist resin, was in Fly High, Just Dance, and Sliding scale and placed below Dani's horse Calico Creek. There were other classes where Mocha placed above. Performance is not what it used to be. 
     On that note, let's move on to Action Park. I saw Jennifer's entry ahead of time and I was sure this was unbeatable. It is so creative, so fun, and so full of action! But the reality is this entry got second place. 
     Dani's Action Park entry had a spiderjump (I think that is what she said this is called) some dogs running around and a miniature inflatable tubeman! This has also prompted several of us in the hobby to feel we "need" a miniature tubeman in our lives. I am one of those people. This is a first place entry. 
       Our last comparison class is Drama Llama. As I have already stated, Love N Stuff is definitely not full of drama in any way. But Jennifer's "Karen" certainly is. Not only is it clear from the photo that Karen is displeased with her 6th place ribbon, but the caption sells this as well. This entry got second place. 
        Dani's photo clearly has some drama going on but again, the caption definitely sells it. That little butterfly in the background spooked Calico Creek and dumped Little Dani on the ground. This is another very well executed entry and earned first place. 
     In the end Jennifer got champion and Dani got reserve champion. But some of these classes could potentially have gone in the other direction for placings. All of them were incredibly well done and very creative. Both Jennifer and Dani are incredibly strong performance showers. These days that is really what matters, not whether or not your horse is an original finish or an artist resin (or custom). A good performance entry is a good performance entry, no matter the finish of the model. 


  1. I want to say Roman riding too.

    Love N Stuff is wearing a TSII hackamore in Just Dance.
