Friday, November 20, 2020


     A while back Simone Methke took a bunch of gorgeous photos of one of her horses and a doll I made. She tagged me in the post and I asked if I could share some on my blog. She promptly sent me all of the photos. I thought I would just share a couple of my favorites. 
photo by Simone Methke

       These look so realistic and they just make me happy. I do love a good model horse photo. The more realistic the better. Or the sillier. But these are definitely in the category of beautifully realistic. 
Photo by Simone Methke

     In the realm of other beautiful model horse related things, I ordered a foldable arena from Emerald Studio out of Russia. I got some progress shots and I am very impressed. The side wall can be moved to either side and fits into the base for storage. The back wall folds down and the whole thing is hinged and closed with latches. This is definitely a step in the direction of nice indoor photos. Next I will potentially have to invest in some nice studio lights as well. We'll see. My arena is 36"x24" and with the side wall I should be able to fit all sorts of performance scenes in it. I am really excited!
Photo by Emerald Studio

     The Field of Dolls Online Show is officially in the judging phase now. Live results will be December 5th on my Facebook studio page. More updates to come!

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