Monday, November 2, 2020

Miniatures and the Most New England Photo

       Last weekend (I think) I went on a bit of a miniature buying binge. I have been picking up a lot of things as show prizes but have been pretty good and not getting much of anything for myself. But after looking at Jennifer's photos in the Mares In Black Spooktacular performance classes, I got the urge to get some new stuff. 

       I know that The World's Smallest Toys are usually pretty good for model horse scale miniatures. Not always, but often. That was true in the case of the world's smallest Barbie dream house. I love this so much and now most likely need to make or buy tiny furniture to go with it. Gumby and Pokey joined the collection of random tiny things that I own. 

     Dani Youdris is at fault for me needing a Wacky Waving Inflatable Tube Guy. I have no idea when or if I will ever use it, but now I own one.
     While searching for show prizes I found a lot of really cool 1:10 scale RC car places that do 3D printed items at this point. I have been eyeballing this really detailed YETI cooler for weeks. I finally decided it also needed to be mine. 
       The detail is truly amazing on it. It is another item I have no idea what I will use it for, but I am glad that it is mine. And it is my third model horse scale cooler, though only the second that is pink. I need a tent now. I have thought that for a while, but now that I have another cooler I feel it is more true than ever. 
     On October 30th it snowed. And not just a dusting. Though nothing like the October storm we had several years back. Anyway, on Halloween Travis and I went out to do some errands (poor life choice) and while the snow had melted in a lot of spots, there were plenty that still had a good amount. This may be the most New England photo I have ever taken. You can see the patchwork of fall trees, a little past their peak, but still clearly full of leaves. Next to them is a stand of pines... all covered with snow. We have experienced several seasons in a day here, but this is the first time I have caught 2 so well represented in a single photo.
     I have been struggling to think of things to blog about. I don't have time to do posts that require a lot of research, my life is very repetitive, and I don't always have cool photos. And blog posts need photos. I am going to continue to try to post every day until at least the end of this year. But then I am considering cutting back a bit. I don't want to post just to post. And I don't want to become so incredibly boring that no one wants to read anymore. It's a tough place to be. Maybe I will become inspired soon. 


  1. You're not boring. Everybody has down days. Short posts are good. Your landscape shot is interesting and makes me appreciate warmth. I need to do another blog on blankets, maybe.

  2. I need more blankets. I also brought fabric to my Mom today to make Kayla a quilt!
