Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Odds and Ends

      There is a lot that goes into a live sale. Several years ago, maybe even longer, I decided I needed to branch out a little bit from dolls. Considering the cost of materials, and the time I put into them, my dolls are actually incredibly affordable. But that doesn't mean that everyone can afford to drop $200 on a doll. But sometimes they can afford $30 for some chaps. I think that was how the extras started, with chaps. Over the years I have made new things as well. I designed a series of horse boots that go on with Velcro for quick tack changes. Are they phenomenal? No, they are not, but they are also very inexpensive, super easy to use, and nice enough that they can be used for live showing. Saddle pads, saddlebags, and cross country kits have also joined the ranks of model horse things I make. 
     For my Black Friday sale I will have a couple of new items. One of them will be gift bags. But there is a twist that goes along with them I am not going to share until the sale. Everything else will be in the blog post catalog with prices probably the day before (hmm, if I have time to post on Thanksgiving...). But for now you get to know that I am making gift bags and they are part of a surprise. 
     I have been working on other odds and ends as well. I know that the miniature candy is popular, so I have been working on that too. Plus I have the dog items project in the works. I am still waiting for things to show up that go into that project, but hopefully everything will arrive soon so I can work on finishing those up. I am making progress on all of the things, though I still have no idea if I will meet all of my goals. But I am going to give it a good try. 
     I am still often struggling to think of things to write about. I have been working a lot to try to reach my goals for this year. I'd love to say that when I get a bit more done I will feel more relaxed about things, but I just don't know if that is true or not. So I will keep on plugging away and hoping for the best. 

1 comment:

  1. I have also been struggling with blog topics right now, but I think I have something coming in the mail that will make that easier.
