Sunday, November 1, 2020

Prizes and Live Sale Stuff

      I have been saying for a while that I need to stop buying prizes for the Field of Dolls Online show. That is still true. Though I have managed to step away from the order button a few times lately. Every time I get a new order of 3D printed things in from HandcraftedbyKari on Esty, I immediately want to order more things. Her work is amazing! She also sent a few extra donations (again) with this last order. One of these days I will lay out all of the prizes I have for the show and get a massive photo. For now though there is a series of photos in the album of prizes on the show Facebook group
      While I definitely do get a lot of prizes in for the show, both purchased and donated, I have received some other things in the mail recently that made me very happy. I have ordered a bunch of things for my Black Friday live sale. After my miniatures sale I said I would likely never do another one (miniatures sale). It was a ridiculous amount of work and got a little crazy at times. I mean, crazier than my live sales usually are. It was suggested that maybe I have some of the more popular items at my regular live sales. I can get into that. This batch of cell phones is part of that plan. These, and a small selection of other miniatures, will be offered at my Black Friday sale. If you have any suggestions of what else I should offer, let me know in the comments and I will see if I can make it happen. 
     So some important dates to remember. November 20th is the last day to enter Field of Dolls Online show. It is also the last day to upload photos. Entries officially close then and judging begins the next day (roughly). My Black Friday live sale will be on November 27th. I am not positive of the time just yet. I will be offering dolls, doll accessories, horse accessories, and some miniatures. Most of the prices will be retail but I do have some new ideas for discounted items. I will likely reveal these a bit closer to the sale. December 5th I will be doing a livestream of results (champs and reserves, potentially class winner) and live drawings of door prizes for the Field of Dolls Online Show. I have some really great prizes and I want to make sure everyone who enters the show has the opportunity to win something cool. 
     None of the pink dates above are clickable links, I just wanted to make sure they are easily seen. The end of November and beginning of December are going to be super busy for me. But it should also be a lot of fun. I am already putting together some more ideas for another show, maybe in the Spring. But for now, there is a lot coming up from Field of Dolls Studio!

1 comment:

  1. No kidding about a bucketful of stuff to do! Please try to ration yourself and don't get overloaded, it's perilously easy to do.
    But I do like those buckets.
