Sunday, November 29, 2020

Setting Up a Live Sale

     There is definitely a lot that goes into holding a live sale. If you, like me, make the majority of the things you sell, you will spends months making and accumulating items so you have a good variety to offer. I do my lives with my phone, and everything shows up backwards when you flip the camera. So I print out everything backwards if it is something I show for people to read at home. I have a very small space available for my sales, but I am pretty creative with my use of space. The tripod and all of the items end up spaced out on my bed. This year I had a new pink unicorn tapestry (it can also be a table cloth for when we have live shows again) from my friend, Lynn Isenbarger
    The dolls are stored wrapped in paper towels so I make sure they are all unwrapped and laid out nicely. I make walls with pillows so things don't fall off the far side of the bed. I have everything I need to run the sale right in front of the tripod. This is my list of sales rules (also doubles as my script for the beginning of the sale when I am still freaking out), a clipboard so I have a hard surface for writing, a sharpie and a pen, and my printed name tags for the bags. For the miniatures sale I held in August I started doing the printed up name tags. Anyone who expresses interest in attending the sale and anyone who has purchased from my sales in the past gets a printed tag. This makes the beginning of the sale, when I am starting to set up the claim bags, run more smoothly. 
     I was tired at the end of the sale and I forgot to take photos until I had already started to clean up. I did have a bit of a mess, but it was not too horrible. Oh, another good thing I remembered this time around was to have my on-the-go extra phone battery ready. I know from experience that even when my phone is fully charged at the beginning of a sale, the amount of battery power the videos use will drain the battery and give me a low power notification before the end. My extra battery was not charged during the miniatures sale and I had to plug into the wall. It was not good. So I was prepared this time and only had to take a few second to plug in. I definitely need to get a ring light though. My room lighting seemed even worse than normal during the last sale. It is hard for me to show my sales items in bad lighting. 
      I have always put my claim bags at the foot of my bed until this sale. This time I made a pillow wall at the head of the bed and lined them up there. This worked so much better! I paid close attention to keeping them in alphabetical order and took a bit longer doing that than I usually do. I feel it was worth it. I spent less time stressed that I could not find someone's bag. No one ended up with a duplicate bag because I could not find theirs (this MAY have happened one time at a previous sale, but I am not positive) and nothing fell over. I think this will be the placement from now on. At least until I can safely have helpers with me. Then I will probably see about having Elecktra keep the bags in order. And maybe put the miniatures in the bags. I have not figured out the best way to have her help me. It's now been over a year I have been running the live sales by myself. The first one, Black Friday 2019, was because I had no idea. The rest were because of quarantine. But eventually I know I will be able to have her come and help me. 
     The setup and immediate aftermath of the sales is not too bad. I am usually very organized, can make excellent use of space, and I have enough practice doing the sales that even though every single one of them has scared me I think I have gotten pretty good at them. The only work I did on Friday, other than the sale itself, was to make a list of people who had claimed items. There was a lot more work to come. 


  1. I had forgotten your TV studio was your bed. Talk about miniaturization! That's ultimate efficiency. Seems to me you'd make a great astronaut. :)

  2. Every live sale just keeps getting better. I love that you are always tweaking the process to improve the experience (for you and us!).

  3. I am so very thankful for your Live Sales, to which you seamless breeze through offering such lovely tidbits to all participating!
    I’ve not had the impression you are disorganized! All the goodies I’ve received have just been what I wanted!
