Wednesday, November 25, 2020


     The other day I got a card in the mail from my friend Sue. Not only was is a beautiful card, it was a wonderful handwritten letter. There are not enough hand written letters these days. There hardly ever seems to be enough time for them. Which is all the more reason we should make time for them. I am sure there are a few people I should send a hand written letter to these days. I am thankful for handwritten letters. 

    Today is (American) Thanksgiving. I went to a Mares in Black Zoom party last Friday and one of the things we were talking about was the dates of American vs. Canadian Thanksgiving. It was funny. The whole party was fun. As much as I hate that we can't be with our friends at the moment we still have ways to see each other. I have gotten closer with many far away friend during this pandemic. I have no idea if I will get a chance to meet a lot of these people in person. But now I can party with them. I am thankful for Zoom. 

    I was very fortunate back in March when so many places shut down. Including the schools. A lot of people were thrown out of work and had a very rough time of things. Some are still trying to recover. I was not furloughed. If we shut down again I will not be furloughed. As much as the technology has been making me feel icky lately, it makes it possible for us to keep (trying to) educate the kids. I am thankful for my job (and finding ways to relieve the eye strain/dizziness it has been causing me)

    My Birthday Live sale was 2 weeks into the shutdown. It had been planned for months so I had to put it on. And a lot of people came. It was overwhelming. I was amazed at the outcome. And even though I have horrible stage fright and feel sick right before I go live (every time), they do end up being a good time. I am thankful that people attend and shop my live sales. And I am thankful I have a lot of practice "performing" for people who may or may not be paying attention.

    Quarantine was tough at the beginning. So many unknowns and conflicting information. It was weird being home with Ethan and Travis ALL THE TIME. We're often all here at the same time. It's not often that we are all here and can't leave. The can't leave was the hardest to get used to. But then we did. And we got closer. We would go out hiking together, or just hang out. Ethan and Travis got closer and Travis started helping Ethan with the outside plants and learning about bonsai with him. We also got so much speech from Travis. It was really an amazing thing. I am not thankful for quarantine, but I am thankful I have a couple of amazing, awesome guys that made being stuck together ALL THE TIME pretty fun. I wish Elecktra was here too. But I did get to see her on video chat a bunch. 

   The model horse hobby has also been really great for me this year, in so many ways. Some of my best friends I have met through the hobby. I chat with them on Facebook, on the phone, on Zoom, through email, and texts. I have visited several people, in several states. And I WILL do that again. I don't know when, but it will happen. I love that I have a group of people who are into playing with plastic horses just like I am. We all have our own take on how we do the hobby, but that makes it even more fun. Each of us is unique and brings our own brand of collecting to the table. I am thankful for the model horse hobby and the variety of people in it who I am blessed to call my friends. 

    I have amazing friends who I have met through work as well. Some are casual friends who I only ever seen in passing or if I have a class with them. Many started as work friends and became real friends. The kind that you see outside of work and do things with unrelated to school. I am thankful for my work friends. 

     Eventually I am sure things will go back to normal. I know a lot of people think some of the things we have now will always be in place, but I don't think so. People forget. I have no idea how long it will take but I do think we'll get back to how things were. Maybe just a bit cleaner. And I am OK with that. Whenever that happens I am going right out to Crystal's house and giving her the biggest hug. I'm gonna cry, I know it. But that's OK. I am thankful for Crystal.

    I am also grateful for the new fun of having my Little Elecktra doll travel around to visit different friends. It has given me a lot of inspiration to write, which I was starting to lack. It is fun seeing all of the different pictures that Lynn and Jennifer have taken. I can't wait to see what everyone else does. I am thankful for a very silly hobby thing that just sort of happened. 

    I could go on and on, but I think I'll stop here. Because Sue is right, there are so many beautiful reasons to be happy. 


  1. This is a beautiful post and I am going to come back and reread it when I feel down, frustrated, or sad. Thank you for the reminder that there are so many reasons to be thankful and to be happy. <3

  2. Wonderful!! Happy Thanksgiving, Anne!
