Thursday, December 3, 2020

Fun Hair and Tiny Things

        At some point this year, not that I remember exactly when, I noticed that my usual doll hair supplier was now stocking fun colors of viscose. This made me super happy. Anyone who has seen me knows that I do love fun hair colors! My supplier of choice always has the nicest viscose hair. Some places you get sort of frizzy, short hair, that you end up wasting a whole bunch of while rooting the heads. But OOAK Artist Emporium has beautiful hair. But no pink. That is super sad. 
       I have a head I need to work on that needs to have partially pink hair. I figured I would have to paint it or something to get the right color. But then I decided to hunt around and see if I could find other suppliers that have fun colors of viscose. Feltrite on etsy , had exactly what I was looking for. And not just pink, but a nice purple, blue, "mermaid" blue, a sort of lime green color, a nice blond and navy. I have not used it yet but the colors are nice. And the shipping was super fast. I am excited to have new fun hair color options available!
     Since I have been working in batches I got a bunch more heads haired, just in basic brown. I found a way to do a hatless head where the hair still stays in scale, at least most of the time. Viscose is still a very delicate doll hair and will not hold up forever if hats go on and off, but it has a very realistic look for a long time, if taken care of properly.
     I also got my November Micro from Maggie Bennett in the mail the other day. I completely forgot to actually look at the card so I have no idea what this horse's name is. But I like it and I think this one will stay. I am pretty sure the fighting horses, from September and October, are not going to stay. I just have to get around to listing them. I have shipped so much stuff recently, and with the show results coming out tomorrow I will have even more to ship next week, so I am not in a hurry. Though if someone made a good offer on the pair I would pack them up and let them go. 
     Speaking of the Field of Dolls Online show. The live stream for the results and prize drawings will be tomorrow, Saturday December 5th at 3:00 EST on the show page on Facebook. I will announce champs and reserves and draw for several door prizes. Full printed results will be emailed to all entrants sometime after the live. 


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