Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Gail’s Gift

     I have fairly poor lighting in my house. I am used to it for the most part, but sometimes it can cause issues. Like during my last live sale for one. During the miniatures sale in August my phone battery nearly died (I use the phone for the lives). My extra battery/charger was also dead. So I had to get my plug which was not long enough to reach the outlet from where the camera was. I moved everything and the lighting was so bad I had to turn off the overhead light and work in very dim light (it was daytime anyway). This past Friday's live I think I must have had the camera in a slightly different spot than I usually do, the lighting was atrocious. I have been considering getting a ring light for months. They are supposed to be excellent for videos. I hemmed and hawed for too long and my sale day arrived. I had no ring light and it was bad. So again I considered buying one. 
     And then I didn't have to. 
     Monday I arrived home from school and there was a large Amazon box in the middle of my kitchen. Nothing I recently ordered from Amazon was due to arrive, so I was puzzled, but at that moment (really, it was right then) I got a message from Gail Berg asking if her gift had arrived. Hmm...
     Gail had sent me a ring light! How cool is that? I had to set it up and try it out, but I didn't want to do a live right away. But the lights are supposed to be great for selfies too. OK, that's a way to go. 
        I didn't have time for the experiment until it was already dark out. But it went really well! My selfie was not dim in any way. In fact I was incredibly well lit. Now for a small item experiment...
    Yup, we can see the doll head clearly! This was excellent news! Now people will be able to see what they are thinking about buying. I am very excited for this. The hardest thing about the ring light is having THAT much light in your face is sort of blinding. I can change the light levels, but I don't know that I can turn it down enough to be perfect for my eyes and still make it possible to see the products. But I can definitely experiment and figure it out. I am THRILLED that people will be able to see things now!
      Thank you Gail for such an incredibly generous gift! It was definitely an awesome bright spot in my week! (lol, see what I did there?)

1 comment:

  1. I wonder how the light would work for photographing models?
