Thursday, January 21, 2021

A Convertible... Sort Of

      Our kitchen drawers have been broken for a while. The supports are very old and the wood got very brittle and disintegrated. Ethan took them apart to remake all the supports so we could have properly working drawers again. While I was going through the drawers I found this book (part of a book, the covers are missing) in the bottom of the junk drawer. It is a really cute story. I read this book often growing up and always wished that I could have a pony, even just for the winter. I imagined all the ways I could turn our neglected garden shed into a stall. The closest I ever got to that was when my dog used it as a doghouse. I still don't have a pony and several years ago I helped my Dad tear down the shed. But in other news, Ethan fixed the kitchen drawers. Now they close all the way and open without maximum effort. 
       I have been struggling to get any work done this week. Sort of. I have done some bits and pieces of smaller things at school in the morning (I get there really early so usually have at least a half hour of time I can work on stuff) but when I got home Tuesday I didn't end up working. I started loading photos onto the Pony Bytes website. I still can't figure out how to add the horse info, but maybe this weekend I can work that out. Wednesday I also sort of struggled to get some work done, but I did manage to finish up this doll I have been working on. 
      She has actually been done since last week. But I needed to make her a removable warm vest and a removable helmet. It is amazing how much time those 2 small projects took. But they are done and the doll is off to her new home. 
      I also finally got back the package I had intercepted from when I accidentally switched the labels. And I have for sure been triple checking all my stuff when I ship it to make sure I am not screwing up. The package that seemed like it might be lost in Finland was delivered. It looked like it had been left out in the rain and beat up a bit. But everything inside was just fine. So that is good. Now I just need to see we can find my arena that left Russia and seemed to disappear. I hope it shows up some day. It definitely will be fun to play with!

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