Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Micro Pouch Tutorial

        I don't really do tutorials. One of the reasons is because it usually takes me a lot of time to work up patterns and things. Another reason is often even with a pattern the finished result has been tweaked so much that a pattern would not really be very useful. Another reason is writing tutorials takes a lot of time, or it can, and I don't have a lot of time. While I am typing this I should be washing the dishes and getting photos of a western pleasure doll that is one glued hat away from being done. 
        Instead, I am writing a tutorial. Some of you may recently have seen my micro horse pouches on Instagram and my Facebook studio page. Last Sunday I got the idea in my head that I NEEDED to make some micro horse pouches. It would not get out of my head until I sat down to make one. So I made one. And then a few more. They were actually pretty easy to make. Though I have been working in miniature for a really long time. Maybe they only seem easy to make. 
       I do not have a pattern or measurements for this project. I can give you a supply list though I guess:

Cute cotton fabric (or solid, whatever)
Plain solid cotton fabric (preferably light colored or colorfast)
Thread in any color you like (I use invisible, it is super hard and annoying to use until you get used to it)
Wicked sharp scissors
Something pointy but not sharp (end of a skinny paintbrush could work)
A sewing machine
A micro of your choice. 

      1. The first thing you want to do is lay out a piece of fabric. You want to to be about 2 and a half times as tall as your model. You want it to be a bit wider as well. If you are not comfortable sewing very close to the edge, add a bit more all the way around. Cut a piece of your lining fabric that is the same size. 

      2. Next lay your fabric down right sides together (print side in). Start on the long edge about 1/3rd of the way down (I forgot to take a photo). Stritch down the side, down the short side, all the way up the long side, the second short side, and the top 1/3rd of the first long side. You should have a gap left open in the middle of the first long side. 
      3. Next, if you left a large seam allowance trim these, but not too close to the seam! Flip your fabric right side out. Use the pointy tool to poke the corners as square as you can make them. It will not be 100% square. If it is you have likely popped the seam. 
      4. Do a straight stitch along both short edges, as close as you can get to the edge. I mean, super close and almost sewing nothing. 

      5. Now you want to flip your piece (the open side seam is fine, leave it) so the printed side is facing up and upside down. If it's not a directional print it doesn't matter. But if it is putting the piece upside down will make the pattern right side up when the pouch is done. Fold the TOP down first (I know this photo makes it look like this is not where we are heading.) and the bottom part up. You want there to be a slight overlap, with the top being higher than the bottom. Make sure everything is as squared up as you can make it. Feel free to use pins if you want. Even though they are not on the supply list.
      6. Stitch up both sides of the pouch. This will also close up the open edge you had from step two. Next you can trim the seams like I do, but you do not have to do this step. I feel that it takes up less space inside if you do this. 
         7. The last step is to flip the pouch right side out. If you find your pouch is way too big for your micro you can flip it inside out again and take another stitch up one or both sides and retrim. Don't do too much at a time. In micro scale millimeters are a big deal!
      In the end you will have a cute little, lined, horse pouch for your micros. These can be for playing with your dolls or bringing to shows. Or just because you had the idea in your head and you needed to try it out. 
       I am really glad I made these. They were kind of fun to do and I got the project out of my head. I messed up a couple of things on these a couple of times while I was working out the process. I tried to stress what you really need to watch out for. I forgot to do some of the photos. If you can sew, you hopefully followed along. You could probably do this project by hand. I don't recommend it, but I bet it could be done. 
        I may be offering some of these at my next live sale. I have not decided just yet. Though I am pretty sure the sale will be on Saturday, March 27th, sometime in the afternoon. I may also offer some as show prizes at the Field of Dolls Spring Online show. But I have not decided that yet either. But I do know they are pretty fun to make!
      I guess now I should go and put the doll's hat on and take photos. Then I need to wash the dishes. Writing tutorials is definitely more fun than washing dishes. 



  1. Thanks for the tutorial! I like that the top flap is stitched in with the side seams. I'm going to try this!

  2. Thanks for posting this! Am going to try this style for all sizes. Your unicorn fabric is super cute!! :)
