Thursday, January 7, 2021

Still Going

     Even though there are currently no students in the school we have a new bulletin board up across from the guidance office. I really like this one!
      I have not done a ton of doll work this week, but I have done a bit. I am still making lots of casual dolls. I am so glad that people are having fun just playing with their dolls! I need to make some more time for that myself. 
     I checked on the stain on my Fashion Royalty doll and it does not seem to have lightened even a little bit. I added more cream and put her back in the window. We'll see if a bit more sun will help. I am not holding out a lot of hope for it though. My FR doll may just be ruined. And that sucks. 
     I'm really glad it's almost the weekend. The first week back to school after a nice long vacation is always a challenge. I also have a student who is being incredibly challenging. They refuse to pay attention in class or use the provided notes and then want me to bring them to a separate meet to reteach everything, or more likely give all the answers. That is not fair to me or anyone else in the class that needs help. It has been incredibly frustrating. I may be making the smallest bit of headway with getting a bit more effort. Time will tell. I am definitely ready for it to be the weekend. 

1 comment:

  1. If you can't remove the stain, maybe you can repaint her face? Also, maybe try straight acetone? It will remove the paint, so if you're not looking to repaint you would have to be careful to use it only on the stain. Might be worth a shot!
