Thursday, March 11, 2021


      Wednesday I worked from home. It was convenient, for once, since no one else would be here. I didn't have to worry about all of us being in each other's way. So I decided to stay home. Which meant I had extra time at random times of the day, to get a bit of extra work done. In the morning, after finishing getting ready, but before Travis's bus came, I went out to dremel the dolls. Wednesday lunch/prep time is 2 hours. I have a meeting the first half hour of the block with one of the teachers I work with and I have a half hour I work with a kid at the end. But that gives me an hour in the middle where I don't have any schoolwork I need to do. So since I was home I had a quick bit of lunch and I got some more work done on the dolls. And since I was working on both of them at once I could be super efficient. 

      The result of Wednesday and the extra bits of time, plus the prep work I managed on Tuesday, was that I finish not one, but two tall cowboys! I also had the chaps leftover from my last live sale, which saved me a bunch of time. These guys will be available at my live sale on March 27th at 2:30 pm ET. So far I have a variety of casual dolls (western, English, English and Western hoodie dolls) and these cowboys. I have one more cowboy in the works and then I think I might make some western pleasure dolls. And maybe some hunt seat dolls. That may be what happens next. But I am getting tired. I may need a day off. Or a few days off. It is a couple more weeks until my live sale and I have more that I would like to get done before then. But I am trying not to work myself into the ground. There are days that is harder than others. 


1 comment:

  1. Vacation is good. Don't work yourself into the ground! Those are great cowboys. I love the way you've lightened the palms on the blue shirted one -- I've never seen that on a doll yet.
