Tuesday, April 6, 2021

The Mane Event

    I take ugly photos often. A lot of times what I see I real life is not how it appears in a photograph. I don't know if it is what the iPhone "sees" or if my eyes are off. But I take a lot of really bad photos. This photo however is a pretty accurate depiction of a mediocre forelock. It was just the first draft of the forelock. Several other drafts were to follow. 
     I also worked on the mane, a bit at a time. Even though it looks like I applied it in strings, I did not. And it doesn't look like this in person. My photos make it look like the mane came out of a play-doh fun factory. *sigh* This project is hard. 
      Eventually though, I had a forelock I didn't hate (after 4 tries!) and I had a mane that was not too horrible. 
    At least my custom has hair again. Even if it is not great hair. Even if he looks like he got a bad haircut. Oh well, he has a mane that I don't totally hate. 

       The bad news is I am not a great sculptor. The good news is, I am an excellent prepper. And I have a lot of tricks. I may be able to save this hairdo yet!


1 comment:

  1. Your mane is fine. Every sculptor starts somewhere. 'Passable' is more positive than 'not too horrible' and I think means the same thing.
