Wednesday, May 19, 2021

Dolls and Booze

      Dolls have come a long way over the years. They are more realistic than ever, need less and less modification to be useful, and have slightly more variety than they used to. Slightly. For a while we had Yvonne type dolls in a few different skin tones, but still basically the same doll. With the introduction of the Ellie doll, from KC's Galloping Gals, we finally have a new head sculpt. It was perfect for this order of two hoodie dolls. They are basically exactly the same other than different hoodies, but the different head sculpts makes them two different people. Finally. I do like having a bit of variety. Finally. 
      I got some miniature booze in the mail the other day. These will likely be added to the list of miniature add-on items I have for live sales (or whenever). Trying to think of new items to add to the miniature catalog, and trying to find them in bulk at reasonable prices, is challenging. But it's an interesting challenge. My new arena has still not arrived. It is in this country, just not moving. I am starting to wonder what is going on with it. May have to check into it soon.
     I am making excellent progress with my doll work this week and I might take an extra day off. That could be fun. I might get the hooves finished on my custom horse or maybe get started on the Native American regalia I have planned. Or maybe I will stare at the wall and wonder what I should do. Hard to say. But I finally seem to be getting a bit of energy back and finding a bit of work verve. It's about time. 

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