Thursday, May 6, 2021

Fancy @$$ Side Saddle Doll

      I really love fancy hats. A lot of people know this about me. I also love historic dress and corsets and so on. A ridiculous amount of skirts, the amount that makes me wonder how someone would get in a carriage, makes me happy. Side note, I had a lot of skirt with my wedding dress, not nearly of historical skirt amounts, and yes, it was hard to get in the car(s) and I needed help both times. It boggles my mind the amount of skirts that ladies would wear to ride side saddle. But it sure does look cool. 
     Anyway, last week I made this fun historic side saddle lady. I had a ton of reference and free rein. I'm into that. The hat kind of did whatever it wanted in the end, but I like how it turned out. 
      I do not currently have a side saddle so the doll was trying out an endurance saddle, on a saddle stand. Looks cute. You need to sort of tuck the skirt in whatever way you want it to look, but she is really good (really modified) for riding aside. 
It really seems very unsafe to have skirts so long, but it is accurate. 

     Another side note, here is a picture of the chromosomes I made in one of my bio classes. I think they look very nice with their pieces of crossed over DNA. I left one for Ethan as a present. he thought it was a used pipe cleaner and threw it out, lol. That is what I was going to do with it most likely anyway. 
       So I finished up the doll and sent the photos and then was asked if I could make a contrasting underskirt that could show if the skirt was blowing up in the wind. I managed to find this ruffled ribbon and made a tiered underskirt. It's pretty scandalous that the doll is wearing a red underskirt, and letting it show, but it does look good with the black. 
There is also now so much skirt that it hold the doll up effortlessly!

      This week has been exhausting. I had to proctor important tests (MCAS and AP) the first 3 days of the week. While proctoring is not particularly hard it is mentally, and sometimes physically, exhausting. We 
(myself and 2 other proctors) had 65 kids for AP in the gym and I walked over 7 miles monitoring the testing. Not hard but my whole body hurt after that. I guess that means I should be walking more more often. Anyway, I have been working on dolls but they are more complex than average, and one is secret and the other I need to find out about. But work is happening. Sometimes very slowly. 



  1. That doll is gorgeous! I am always impressed with your sewing and doll creating skills, but this one blew me away. Wow!

  2. She is so pretty! I don't suppose you have any suggestions/resources for someone looking to start trying to make/customize breyer dolls? :)
